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Article: Wilderness Walk: Losing Streak Is Over!

Thomas Williams

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A regular season win against the Blues, wow.

Berube and Deboer can forget beating the tarp out of Evason.

Fred and Boldy both get a spark and Gus & the Wild only allow one.

Pretty decent way to start under the new guy. Hopefully the Wild capture the momentum and begin to look like the team they were the last two seasons. I really don't believe they're suddenly that bad. If Dean was an obstacle to success, does this mean GMBG is smart again since he fired him? If the team starts to win, does it absolve Guerin for signing the 2M guy who scored the game-winner last night and the other market value guys who got NMCs?

Seriously, the team isn't much worse on paper than in the past. It's not years later the same players stink, it's the very next year. Too bad for Dean, but the initial reaction is that he had lost the room or was simply too rigid in his approach to overcome the decline in morale. Whatever he did, was not working. He had at least a few extra weeks to correct while we asked if he was the problem. He had all Summer and some grace due to Ek's injury and missing the playoffs. I think when, Deboer publicly calls out the Wild for running around chasing hits and being sloppy, not executing hockey plays, trying to pour on the grits, it's a sign to the GM that your guy doesn't have the upper-hand and isn't learning how to win. In the two weeks since losing to Dallas badly, MN only managed to lose in less ugly ways.

On paper Hynes might be just another guy but that's all the Wild needed. Clear the air and start new. Minnesota is not a bad hockey team. Not elite, but not in the bottom-dweller zone. They still got a lot of work to do to recover if they're able. 

The perfect penalty kill last night was a very nice start on the worst part of the Wild's woes.

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Good game and good result last night, but one win doesn't salvage the season.

Let's see where we are at the Christmas break:  Can the same team that went 2-6-2 in the ten games before last night actually string together some wins and begin their climb back to relevance, or is this just a blip?

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56 minutes ago, Pewterschmidt said:

Cory Perry on a one year $4M contract with CHI.  Who would you rather have for $4M/yr?:  Perry for one year or Foligno for 10 yrs?  The Foligno/Fred contracts are such head scratchers.  Get some blood out of those turnips Hynzy.

Corey Perry's contract was such a weird one...

  • '19 - $1.5M (Dallas)
  • '20 - $750k (Habs)
  • '21 - $750k (TBL)
  • '22 - $1.25M (TBL)
  • '23 - $4M (CHI)

Kyle Davidson looked at a 38 year old Perry, and said 'yep, lets pay this guy his CUMULATIVE earnings of the past 4 seasons'  Not to mention that half of it ($2M) was in signing bonus.  I'm not sure if there's a clawback on that (i assume not), but Perry's already made $2M + 20/82*$2 = $2.5M this season, which is roughly what he's pocketed in the past three.  At 38 years old.  Which is about $300k/pt.

Perry better buy his agent a nice steak dinner.

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I guess these guys really didn't like Dean all that much to completely disrespect him by putting out a performance like that.  They were inspired and played really smart.  I think KK97 dumped the puck into the zone more times this game than he had all season.  Defense got into the play at good opportunities and didn't really give up any odd man rushes.  PK actually looked stout.  Gus made nice saves in the 3rd when he had to but for the most part defense didn't give much.

I don't really get it.  Why pull head out of ass just because new bald coach is watching?


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I thought they looked more relaxed and could just go about playing the game with clear heads. I'm not sure why Evason had their brains tied up in knots. But they were all over the Blues.

Now, could it be that the Blues, though currently in a playoff spot, are really pretenders? It would seem to me that 3rd place in the Central is not out of reach. Blues underlying numbers are bad even though they've banked some points. 

Now let's see if Hynes knows the secret to beating Soros? Also, under Hynes, wasn't Nashville one of the leaders in fights? While I love a good night at the fights, I'm more concerned with finishing checks in a punishing fashion if your a big body, and just finishing them if you're not. Fighting is extra. 

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1 hour ago, Protec said:
1 hour ago, Protec said:


 If Dean was an obstacle to success, does this mean GMBG is smart again since he fired him? If the team starts to win, does it absolve Guerin for signing the 2M guy who scored the game-winner last night and the other market value guys who got NMCs?



Of course! This is Minnesota.

I'm laughing at the guys that called Deano out for never winning a playoff series but yet have already given the pass to Hinzy for never having won a playoff series. That my friend is Minnesota sports.

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9 minutes ago, mnfaninnc said:

Now, could it be that the Blues, though currently in a playoff spot, are really pretenders?

Blues have been all over the map in performances this season.

They destroyed Colorado 8-2 on November 11th, followed that up with a 5-0 shutout of Tampa on November 14th, then shit the bed against the worst team in the league on November 16th, losing 1-5. Got beaten down 1-5 by Fiala's Kings on November 18th, then rebounded with fairly narrow victories over a couple of bad teams(Anaheim & Arizona) before getting crushed 8-3 by Gustav Nyquist's Nashville team on November 24th.

Blues have some talent, but are inconsistently competitive, and certainly look like pretenders to me. Would not be surprising to see them miss the playoffs. They aren't scoring better than the Wild(Blues have 1 more goal in 1 extra game played, so worse in goals/game), but have had more adequate defense/goaltending up to this point(13 fewer goals allowed).

I believe the Wild could have turned things around this season regardless of which coach was there, now that they are returning to health, but also possible that they will do better with a new voice challenging them.

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27 minutes ago, Willy the poor boy said:

I'm laughing at the guys that called Deano out for never winning a playoff series but yet have already given the pass to Hinzy for never having won a playoff series. That my friend is Minnesota sports.

But, Willy, the difference here is that Hynes has won playoff series in the A, Deano was even worse in the A having never won anything, most likely getting swept. It could be that Hynes' teams in the N were inferior finishing no higher than 4th in their division. So, they were taking on titans in their round 1 matchups, and probably just happy to be there. 

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2 hours ago, Pewterschmidt said:

Cory Perry on a one year $4M contract with CHI.  Who would you rather have for $4M/yr?:  Perry for one year or Foligno for 10 yrs?  The Foligno/Fred contracts are such head scratchers.  Get some blood out of those turnips Hynzy.

Have to wonder what Corey Perry did to get healthy scratched and waived there based upon conduct. Doesn't seem like a good locker room guy right now.

Likely terrible for defense at this point in his career as well given his -28 on Tampa last season, a playoff team with nobody else worse than -10.

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43 minutes ago, mnfaninnc said:

But, Willy, the difference here is that Hynes has won playoff series in the A, Deano was even worse in the A having never won anything, most likely getting swept. It could be that Hynes' teams in the N were inferior finishing no higher than 4th in their division. So, they were taking on titans in their round 1 matchups, and probably just happy to be there. 

To me that doesn't mean much, he's had 9 seasons in the NHL to win a series and hasn't done it.

Edited by Willy the poor boy
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Most of the team played well last night.  I still got a beef with Marcus Johansson.  He was still a step slow and watched that puck go right through his feet on a number of occasions and he was on the ice almost every time that the Blues got sustained pressure on us.  Nothing but an orange cone out there.  Please relegate him to the press box... or at the very least limit him to 10 minutes or less per game.  He has skill and ability... but he does all the little things wrong.

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3 hours ago, MrCheatachu said:

Corey Perry's contract was such a weird one...

  • '19 - $1.5M (Dallas)
  • '20 - $750k (Habs)
  • '21 - $750k (TBL)
  • '22 - $1.25M (TBL)
  • '23 - $4M (CHI)

Kyle Davidson looked at a 38 year old Perry, and said 'yep, lets pay this guy his CUMULATIVE earnings of the past 4 seasons'  Not to mention that half of it ($2M) was in signing bonus.  I'm not sure if there's a clawback on that (i assume not), but Perry's already made $2M + 20/82*$2 = $2.5M this season, which is roughly what he's pocketed in the past three.  At 38 years old.  Which is about $300k/pt.

Perry better buy his agent a nice steak dinner.

Given C Perr's current controversy which is getting him kicked off CHI I'm guessing the league was aware of his baggage (ie gambling, whores, Stacy's mom, or whatever it turns out to be) and that depressed his salary over those years.  BG chose to give $4M contracts with term to bottom six passengers, who have strong moral compasses.

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1 hour ago, Imyourhuckleberry said:

Have to wonder what Corey Perry did to get healthy scratched and waived there based upon conduct. Doesn't seem like a good locker room guy right now.

Likely terrible for defense at this point in his career as well given his -28 on Tampa last season, a playoff team with nobody else worse than -10.

With Chicagos recent controversy theres probably an absolute 0 tolerance policy  , could have simply made a borderline comment etc .

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3 hours ago, Willy the poor boy said:

Of course! This is Minnesota.

I'm laughing at the guys that called Deano out for never winning a playoff series but yet have already given the pass to Hinzy for never having won a playoff series. That my friend is Minnesota sports.

I'm not giving anyone a pass. Just sayin if Dean has to go 100%. Perhaps the right move as a GM is to remove him. The replacement isn't the most important part, the removal was.

That's my point. Not a perfect fit or long term savior. Just that you need an NHL level guy to step in.

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8 minutes ago, Protec said:

I'm not giving anyone a pass. Just sayin if Dean has to go 100%. Perhaps the right move as a GM is to remove him. The replacement isn't the most important part, the removal was.

That's my point. Not a perfect fit or long term savior. Just that you need an NHL level guy to step in.

Well, the replacement isn't the most important part for maybe this season, but it sure matters for future seasons, and from everything BG says 'Hinzy's' the guy.

My comment was mostly just a reference to how fickle and inconsistent MN sports fans are,

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I.e. The players play the games. They need to execute and perform. If they can't under Evason, then that's the first priority to fix. Will it be the greater solution, who knows?

Probably not if the team truly stinks now. If they respond and play good, then Evason was the main problem. Doesn't that make sense?

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21 minutes ago, Willy the poor boy said:

y comment was mostly just a reference to how fickle and inconsistent MN sports fans are,

That's true, it's a roller coaster in MN sports fandom. Main thing is there has been a disconnect for the Wild this year. It will be interesting to see what comes out of all this? On the players and GM more, or the HC? Whether the Wild can turn it around should kinda tell that story.

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9 minutes ago, Protec said:

I.e. The players play the games. They need to execute and perform. If they can't under Evason, then that's the first priority to fix. Will it be the greater solution, who knows?

Probably not if the team truly stinks now. If they respond and play good, then Evason was the main problem. Doesn't that make sense?

Sure it makes sense, but does it make sense to replace him just to replace him? Maybe you think more about Hinzy then I do. but I don't see this as a good move. Hinzy hasn't won a playoff series in the NHL either and that was one of the big strikes against DE according to fans and Hinzy has had way more opportunities to do it.

I'll say this. Hinze has the same opportunity to win a series with this team as DE had. I just think it's ridiculous to say Hinze can do it and DE can't because he's never done it before. Neither has done it and I'd personally hang my hat on Deano's abilities. This is a team he's taken to a franchise best in points and has had back to back 100 point seasons with a team that the experts thought wouldn't even be a playoff team.

I think it was premature and I think it was a move made because that's what teams do in the NHL. BG couldn't even explain the move beyond, 'it was time' and all the same old used up cliche's. Really?

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23 minutes ago, Willy the poor boy said:

Sure it makes sense, but does it make sense to replace him just to replace him? Maybe you think more about Hinzy then I do. but I don't see this as a good move. Hinzy hasn't won a playoff series in the NHL either and that was one of the big strikes against DE according to fans and Hinzy has had way more opportunities to do it.

I'll say this. Hinze has the same opportunity to win a series with this team as DE had. I just think it's ridiculous to say Hinze can do it and DE can't because he's never done it before. Neither has done it and I'd personally hang my hat on Deano's abilities. This is a team he's taken to a franchise best in points and has had back to back 100 point seasons with a team that the experts thought wouldn't even be a playoff team.

I think it was premature and I think it was a move made because that's what teams do in the NHL. BG couldn't even explain the move beyond, 'it was time' and all the same old used up cliche's. Really?

I am not saying you or anyone is wrong about Hynes. Just that if you reach a conclusion on Dean that he cannot solve the Wild's problems this season, then the decision is in that context, not an off-season move where an upgrade would be a good reason or direction.

In this case, I think you get anybody else in there to save the season and Hynes isn't Babcock or Mitch Miller than will get your team canceled, so boom there's your rapid response guy. The fact Guerin knows him looks like nepotism and could well be. If the Wild wanted to get a clean slate and Dean was already history, you just get another capable guy.

I think Guerin was holding Evason as not a final answer anyway so Hynes, if he can get the team into the playoffs and win a series would probably keep the job. I don't care what Guerin says here, cause it's an optics nightmare. I think if the Wild fizzle and Guerin looks stupid going into Spring you'll see more moves and probably a less static Summer next year. If GMBG keeps Hynes then despite loserisms, then I say nepotism way harder.

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28 minutes ago, Protec said:


I think Guerin was holding Evason as not a final answer anyway so Hynes, if he can get the team into the playoffs and win a series would probably keep the job. I don't care what Guerin says here, cause it's an optics nightmare. I think if the Wild fizzle and Guerin looks stupid going into Spring you'll see more moves and probably a less static Summer next year. If GMBG keeps Hynes then despite loserisms, then I say nepotism way harder.

Maybe I'm missing something but I could swear I heard BG say this was not an interim position. The job was given to Hynes. I doubt any offseason move will be made for a HC position.

The only reason I mentioned Bill's inability to clearly define why DE was let go is because it's long been a pet peeve of mine and a red flag that, IMO, he lacks the communication skills to be a good GM. I could hear it in the Presser to a Russo question where BG was getting irritated(?) because he couldn't relay an answer to a tough question.

But if you're going to let a coach go midseason you should have a clearly defined reason as to why that you can articulate instead of cliche's and 'it was time'.

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