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Article: Do the Wild Have Buyer's Remorse On Ryan Hartman?

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To begin the year Hartman seemed pretty disciplined, staying out of the penalty box. The whole team made significant strides in that regard. I’d like the whole team to play a hard disciplined game going into the playoffs. It’s a big deal. If they can make some improvements in the PK that would be nice as well. I’d say Hartman is having his worst year in a Wild uniform. Hopefully he can turn things around and just play hockey. That’s what I remember about his breakout year centering KK. 

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36 minutes ago, Citizen Strife said:

10 game suspension

I hope this is a turning point for RH. He has an opportunity to be a player that figured it out. It would be really nice to see him focused on making hockey plays again. If that’s not possible then I hope the Wild can figure out what’s best for both him and the team. 

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The entire league, every single player has now watched that video of Hartman pile driving Stutzles head into the ice with obvious intent. Hartman is going to spend the rest of this year's games getting pounded. He's no heavy weight enforcer he's a dirty cheap shot guy who can play hockey now and again.  I wouldn't want to be him. 

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4 hours ago, MacGyver said:

The entire league, every single player has now watched that video of Hartman pile driving Stutzles head into the ice with obvious intent. Hartman is going to spend the rest of this year's games getting pounded. He's no heavy weight enforcer he's a dirty cheap shot guy who can play hockey now and again.  I wouldn't want to be him. 

I think you're giving the other players in the league too much credit...

There are plenty of other rats throughout the league who make their bread and butter off being little shits who don't fight (Cousins, Thachuck, Bennett, Marchand, Benn, etc...)

Don't play into the fantasy that the league is going to police itself against these types of knuckleheads, and not to mention Stutzle has earned a 'reputation' in the league...he's not a universally beloved guy that some dude not on his team is going to take a penalty in order to make a run at Hartman.

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We should start by saying Guerin wouldn’t last too long as a day trader. Most analysts tend to buy the dips. Still, he invests in the peaks, paying top dollar for players he probably could get for a lesser price. 

We know for sure that Guerin has had handshake deals before. While he was trying to find guys to fill the void left behind from the buyouts, he was looking for value. I have no doubt that some guys overperformed their deals, and suspect heavily that they had an "understanding" with Guerin that they would be taken care of. I think that's precisely what we have in the 3 resignings that happened almost at the same time.

Zuccarello is the exception, here, of the 3, but Guerin set it up so that Foligno and Hartman were taken care of. Short term NMCs were given, but later in the deal they were switched to M-NTCs. Guerin likely won't get much in return for either, but that is not the point. The point here is the roster spot becoming available to a young guy who has leapfrogged them in the lineup. They'll both likely be here until that guy emerges. 

35 minutes ago, MrCheatachu said:

There are plenty of other rats throughout the league who make their bread and butter off being little shits who don't fight (Cousins, Thachuck, Bennett, Marchand, Benn, etc...)

I don't really understand the list here. You've got fighters and non-fighters listed. I know both Tkachuks and Benn have had some nice fights, I think I remember Bennett also getting into scraps. Agree with Marchand and no idea on Cousins. 

But, you're right, there are a bunch of little shits who run and hide when it comes time to pay the piper!

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By the way, up above, I am not defending Guerin for signing Hartman. I still think he should have let him walk on a business decision. But, if he had an agreement with him, fulfilling that agreement was probably in Guerin's best interest. 

I have thought that MN would be a destination place for players with families. It's a nice place to live and grow up....as I remember it. Listening to the news in the past 6 or 7 years, however, seems to reveal some thing contrary to MN nice. Still, having a rabid fan base in a mid market where you can have a lot of privacy and not have media dogging you seems like a good spot for many NHLers, especially the guys from small towns who grew up on farms. 

But, perhaps that perception isn't necessarily true. Several here have commented that they do not believe this is a destination place. If that is the case, then having a GM who follows through with handshake deals is a definite positive and is truly needed. Having a douche bag GM who trades away players on the day of the birth of their child does not help things at all. Also having a GM who will try hard to find a good place for you as a player when you don't work out is a plus. I think that is the reputation that Guerin has around the league. Just don't break the "behind closed doors" etiquette or you'll be banished from the kingdom. 

I think we can all agree that Hartman far exceeded his prior contract.

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2 hours ago, mnfaninnc said:

I don't really understand the list here. You've got fighters and non-fighters listed. I know both Tkachuks and Benn have had some nice fights, I think I remember Bennett also getting into scraps. Agree with Marchand and no idea on Cousins. 

I intentionally was leaving guys like Rempe/Reaves off the list of guys who were looking to fight.  I was limiting the list of guys who have been accused of turtling at some point vs guys who are on the roster to punch faces.

My point was MacGyver suggesting that:


Hartman is going to spend the rest of this year's games getting pounded.

Is laughable, and not the way the current NHL functions.  For example, nobody on the Sabres went after Nosen for this:

you think they're going to go after Hartman for what he did for a guy who isn't on their team?  

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I mostly blame Hartman for what happened in Ottawa.  He has said in the past that he's learned his lesson.  Really?  I don't think so.  I also blame Coach Hynes and Foligno somewhat bcz I suspect they could see hothead Hartman's frustration building, and they didn't pull him aside or make him sit and cool off. And then for the hearing, why didn't Guerin make Hartman go to NY for an in-person hearing and actually admit fault and grovel.  Maybe he would have gotten a 5 or 6 game suspension then, and he wouldn't have hurt the team as much and his family with the $$$ loss.  I appreciate that Hartman wants to protect Kaprizov and stick up for his teammates.  But what he did in Ottawa was the exact opposite, and it was asinine.  

Moving forward: Guerin and Hynes need to put him on a short leash for the rest of this season and let him know that his tenure in MN is very suspect. We love the "best Hartman" but cannot tolerate the unhinged, selfish Hartman any longer.  It's Hartman's final reckoning...maybe his wife can plead with him to get some serious, ongoing, lasting help.  Or he could be out of the NHL after one more infraction, especially if he does permanent damage to another player.  The Wild have too much riding on this season and the next few.  Mr. Guerin, please be decisive with this situation, yes? A very short leash and/or Sayonara! 

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22 hours ago, MrCheatachu said:

you think they're going to go after Hartman for what he did for a guy who isn't on their team? 

I do not. I think they'll worry about themselves, but keep an eye on Hartman just in case there are shenanigans. 

Really, Buffalo did nothing? That's as bad as the Staal crosscheck. He's their best forward! 

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21 hours ago, LoganPk63 said:

I appreciate that Hartman wants to protect Kaprizov and stick up for his teammates.  But what he did in Ottawa was the exact opposite,

Logan, welcome aboard on your 1st post! 

I am convinced that Hartman did not think he earned an embellishment penalty and was going to take his piece of flesh the next time around. We play Ottawa twice a year, so it's odd to see this with Eastern Conference teams. 

When I said lose our minds as a team and have a "boys will be boys" type of game, I did not envision pro wrestling moves as the remedy. I was thinking more of just boxing. 

I get Hartman's thinking, as flawed as it may be. Embellishment penalties to some are a sign of acting, like calling him a fraud. Some guys take that as an insult, I think Hartman may be one of them. His next call was going damage the opponent, it wasn't meant to damage himself. But, who knows, maybe his 5th grade kid has a long field trip he accidentally signed up for and needed to attend? Maybe he rented a spot in FL to play golf for 3 weeks? I don't know what he was planning.


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1 hour ago, mnfaninnc said:

Really, Buffalo did nothing? That's as bad as the Staal crosscheck. He's their best forward! 

No response.  Until the following game.  Really taught NJ a lesson by fighting CBJ...


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