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Article: It’s Okay to Pretend the Wild Are Going To Make Playoffs

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Our world is full of delusional thinking, I'm not about to continue that trend. I will, however look forward to see what BG is going to do with extending marginal players for two or three years so that prospects can wallow away in the minors.

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After watching yesterday's afternoon game, I've concluded that next year's goalie tandem should be Goose + The Wall. The Wild absolutely had to have this game. We needed vintage Fleury, Vezina Fleury and we didn't get that. 

Protec likes to say, you'd rather get rid of a player a year too early than a year too late. I think it's about right. I'd love to have Fleury around for both goalies, though. But, it's over.

Now, granted 3/4 goals were scored on a Goligoski-Merrill pairing. Could someone explain to me why, exactly, Hunt is not up here? It's one thing to play with diminishing skill, it's quite another to play with an "I don't care" attitude like Goligoski's got. You guys pick on Johansson like he doesn't care, but Goligoski makes him look like Shaw. 

I have not been impressed with the way Goligoski has chosen to end his career. I know he and Guerin are friends, but as a friend, part of the deal should have been that Guerin could tell his friend when it's time. Goligoski spent 2 years too many here. His talent fell off a cliff, and as usual, he was the last to know.

Why harp on Goligoski so hard? Because this is where Fleury is without the attitude. We cannot count on Fleury to win big games anymore, he's just not that goalie. Re-signing him would be a mistake. Running with Goose and The Wall is the better option, but that might be a mistake too. Here's what we do know, Fleury, McIntyre and the Jones brothers are not NHL quality. Goose and The Wall probably are but it could go south. We need to be thinking of an experienced 3rd goalie starting the year in Iowa. I'd prefer a left hander as they seem to give shooters trouble. Hutchinson or Demingue would be fine. 

Conclusion: It is time to pass the torch. 

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22 minutes ago, mnfaninnc said:

His talent fell off a cliff,

There’s no place to hide regression in the modern NHL. Just like a subpar cover corner, they will be exposed and exploited. You can’t count on the player to make good decisions about when it’s time to leave the game, that’s on management. The Wild better figure this out quickly because they have the potential with an aging roster for a regression tsunami. 

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I looked at tip-in goals and the way WPG plays and don't blame Fleury. MN has weak defense overall who can't move or clear big guys. The Wild get worked in their zone with the puck going low to high as guys chase. That leads to goals if you stick to your game plan and execute. 

That's not Fleury IMO and the Wild can't play that way against big strong teams with depth. 

I'm just saying, you could have the best goalie in the NHL and it wouldn't turn the Wild into a Cup favorite. The same themes are illustrated in all MN losses to good teams. Not good enough on defense and can't generate enough to play with possession and pressure top teams. Why? Size, talent, compete, and depth to execute an effective attack and contain game against strong teams. The tendy is always the guy who is easiest to blame. I think Fleury makes a lot of big saves that don't get a lot of credit. With tip in goals and crummy defense, and Kirill the only guy scoring, I tend to equalize blame for the whole squad more than excuse #97 or point the finger at MAF even if he's getting older.

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Short answer, goaltending isn't the Wild's problem. Fleury let in zero bad goals yesterday and stopped a SH breakaway but Boldy missed a wide open net from 5 feet. Goligoski gave away the opening goal like he's been out most of the season. 

MN was 0-4 against WPG. Terrible against Central teams overall. 

They got issues but an off season and regroup will help Minnesota. 

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IMO injuries have nothing to do with this season’s outcome. Adding 5’9 160lbs Spurg to roster wasn’t going to fix this season. If he was healthy they wouldn’t be in playoffs or winning a round. 
   No accountability, no identity an a bad roster construct is the reason this season went south. , that’s on bill and the players. He extended these guys that have been together under Dean for years..These so called core players decided not to show up for half of the season or show they had any intention of working this year.  The Coaching change is due to bad roster decisions .  Even if these guys had showed up for the season they still aren’t talented enough to be a playoff team. It’s shown all year long that they can’t win against good teams. So why would next year be better with Billy’s handcuffed team? The wild can’t take a step forward with boat anchors on these lines  like Jo Jo , Fred , goose Merrill etc.  yes a couple are off books next year but not Jo Jo and Fred. 
    It’s obvious the wilds idea of developing talent is making them carry Fred or Jo Jo’s water . They were talking about how k -nat hasn’t scored yet. It’s because he’s got Fred doing nothing. Like Fred did for Rossi , Boldy , fiala  Beckman an all other wild players. Kinda like Jo Jo makes a 2nd line scoring line impotent.  So how do you navigate next season with no cap space and boat anchors throughout the lineup? I know why the wild will do. . They will Pr the sh-t out of hopes and dreams of prospects years away . 
   It’s criminal for kappy to not be in the playoffs. Players like him in the playoffs is what fans around the league want . Billy’s just pissing those years away to sell jerseys for Craig.  Ya know this was a bad season for the wild when they stopped asking for money from taxpayers for a billionaire handout. 

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