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Article: Wilderness Walk: Back To Texas For Game 5

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The Wild are a team that can get frustrated and take penalties. They need to harness the good energy, block the bad. Dallas would probably like for it to turn into a gong show because the refs are giving them an advantage. The Wild are gonna need to find another level. Looking for Boldy & Kaprizov 

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25 minutes ago, Protec said:

The Wild are a team that can get frustrated and take penalties. They need to harness the good energy, block the bad. Dallas would probably like for it to turn into a gong show because the refs are giving them an advantage. The Wild are gonna need to find another level. Looking for Boldy & Kaprizov 

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2 hours ago, Protec said:

The Wild are gonna need to find another level. Looking for Boldy & Kaprizov 

I feel Kap, though possibly hurt, was doing more Kap things in game 4, skating around creating chances and getting off good shots. Bolds as well, had a few good looks but I think is now starting to under stand what being a star in the playoffs entails. Hopefully a switch flips tonight for Boldy and Mojo and regain the regular season fun they were having and Kap loosens up the stick a bit, might be pressing and trying to do too much.

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2 hours ago, Protec said:

The Wild are a team that can get frustrated and take penalties. They need to harness the good energy, block the bad. Dallas would probably like for it to turn into a gong show because the refs are giving them an advantage. The Wild are gonna need to find another level. Looking for Boldy & Kaprizov 

I just want to see less passes and more shots on goal. It drove me crazy the last game watching a guy with the puck get into the zone and then hold up, waiting for somebody else to catch up, so he could try a cross-ice pass that would inevitably be tipped astray by a Stars player. 

When you've got a shot on this guy, just take it. We're not beating Oettinger with fancy pretty goals. At worst he freezes the puck and we get an offensive zone faceoff. 

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Rebounds and goofy plays result from simple hockey. Puck possession value diminishes when trying to generate scoring chances. Cute is for Europe and ex-pro beer leagues. I’m not likening the Wild to that but the problem for the Wild has always been mental. ALWAYS BEEN. The Wild have had talented teams and great potential but they have always failed to find the will.

Whether it was an adjustment, a focus, a tenacity, or a block, the Wild have not found it. That’s in the mind, the psyche, the soul. 

Kaprizov gets badgered. I don’t wanna make an excuse for him but that’s a tough spot when the refs don’t protect you from dirty stuff. Target on your back AND free cross-checks on your lower-back. The Wild know the playbook. They have to get stronger mentally to go the distance. Maybe it will manifest with a Bold-Mojo performance or Hartman will find a way to score goals rather than take penalties. Spurge might be able to play shutdown D while scoring once on the rush. Gus shutout perhaps. Something to show that MN can win the cerebral battles.

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In other words, don’t get cute or lose focus on what makes your team successful. Ignore the “bullshit” Foligno talked about. You can’t control the refs. You can keep the puck out and score goals. Try to destroy the Stars physically within the rules. Shoot the puck! Crash the net! Don’t lose your guy or get caught puck-watching. It’s that simple but you also gotta execute. It’s called the man-advantage not the time-o-waster...

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For me, I'm expecting a DeBoer team, as the series wages on, to try a few cheap shots.  I'd like to get ahead of that game and make it known, you may get out of this series, but you will be seriously handicapped in the next one.  

Like Protec said, within the rules, but maybe not squeaky clean.  Bodycheck hard, and if you get that chance with an opponent's head down, take it! If we're lucky enough to have 2-1s or breakaways, convert them. High stick side is what we should set up for.  

1st goal is a must, but driving players through the boards and making life miserable on Hintz and Robertson are musts.  Of course, I won't complain about the occasional heavy hits on Benn and Seguin! 

I also disagree with pressure being on the Wild. They are the 3rd place team in the division.  The Stars led the division for the majority of the season.  I think the pressure is squarely on their back.  

Now, if this game turns into the 7-3 game like in game 2, all is not lost. Hopefully we don't end it like in game 2, we take the loss where Dallas is set to win the battle, but we have the focus of the war in mind and truly hammer them physically.  Remember how the referees started handing out 10s like candy? Get ahead of it and start throwing fists before the 10s come.

Seems like Reaves and Hartman get 10s for looking the wrong way. Keep the mouths shut and take your man with you. In fairness to Hartsy, I still think he's just gutting it out and has a messed up shoulder and now a knee to go with it. I really don't think he can throw a right hand effectively.  

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5 hours ago, Protec said:

Looking for Boldy & Kaprizov 

Hartman and Zuc have each had a game in this series where they impacted the game.  All 3 players on that top line need to show up and produce goals tonight.  This is our top line.  It is not acceptable for them to not produce.  Nobody on this team should be looking at the guy next to them.  Each and every player needs to commit to producing points.

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