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Article: Wilderness Walk: Wild Lose Season Finale, Just Playoffs Remain

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I just wanna see Rossi do something impressive. He was a minus player again last night. He and Petan both -2. 

I just don’t agree it’s good to wait for something we’ve never seen. Like what potential do we see with our eyes? What stats do we go off? OHL & AHL count, NHL stats don’t count? Just sayin...

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Regarding who I want us to play in the first round, I've got to go with Dallas. First off, I don't think it's gonna matter if we play the Avs or the Stars, considering how good they both are. Plus, they're two very similar teams stat and standing-wise, so if we can't beat one, then I don't think we'd be able to beat the other. But also, I was born in Dallas and grew up watching the Wild, so there is no team that I hate more than the hometown team and their hometown fans. So if we can crush their souls, then I'll be happy. 

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After watching the final regular season game, I think the above is correct, this was Rossi's best game so far.  He was noticeably more assertive, skated hard, though had some moments of gliding, and was physically knocked down a lot just by having a small shoulder bump him.  

As for some of the others I didn't particularly like Damian Giroux's game, though, he showed more effort than I see out of Rossi.  Petan is meh. Swaney also showed hustle and a willingness to use the body even though his frame isn't that large.  Addison up on the wing was a waste of time.  I've got to believe he is trade bait. To me, Faber has jumped over him on the depth chart.

So, that brings us back to Rossi. During the season, we were given a clip of his workout regimen and how he was trying to get stronger, and more endurance, and some of the stuff was impressive.  However, he's got a slender build and currently gets knocked down far too often.  How does one fix this?  Some things just aren't coachable!

  1. Rossi must bulk up including endurance, suggestion is Camp Ek this summer
  2. Rossi needs skating lessons specifically edge work and leverage
  3. Rossi needs compete level, and I have no idea how to fix this, psychologist? 

Playing regularly in the NHL should not be his goal.  His goals need to include Stanley Cup Champion, and #1C in the NHL.  I don't think we've seen the best of Marco Rossi yet.  I think mentally he is damaged goods and has been when he faced the myocarditis.  I believe he has another gear, but for one reason or another is afraid to go there.  I don't think a trade is the answer, I think unlocking that gear is the answer.  

From a player's perspective, hockey players tend to be more loyal to their drafting organization.  The Wild doctors pretty much saved Rossi's life, and that is a huge reason for loyalty.  The mind is the final thing to heal, and he's got to hit that gear and be convinced nothing bad will happen.  I would suggest wiring him up and getting that heart rate up while cardiologists are watching him.  


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I won't be surprised by a game 1 beating from Dallas then a tough game 2 loss to them followed by a heartbreaking game 3 loss to the South Stars setting up a close game 4 win by the Wild and a game 5 snoozer-loss by Mn.

Get the golf clubs dusted off and start the petition to change how the playoff seeding is done.

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