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  • The Wild Can't Let Perfect Be the Enemy Of the Good With Rossi

    Image courtesy of Rick Osentoski-USA TODAY Sports
    Tony Abbott

    There's a familiar axiom that goes something like, "Don't let perfect be the enemy of good." Most people can relate to it. You can spend days, weeks, months, and even years endlessly tinkering with something that's good, all in the name of getting it perfect. Maybe getting something perfect is necessary. But more often than not, the time spent attaining perfection offers diminishing returns, and that's if perfection is possible to begin with. Most of the time, good works really well and saves you unnecessary time, energy, and stress. 

    We're seeing credible reports that the Wild may trade 20-goal-scoring rookie Marco Rossi this summer. Perhaps very soon, with Michael Russo mentioning on May 28's "Worst Seats in the House" Podcast, "that [this] month, at a minimum, Marco Rossi is being dangled out there" in trade talks. The biggest reason for this is that, it appears, perfect is the enemy of good. They could have Rossi at center, but what if they had a bigger, stronger player there instead? 

    The Wild might be able to get the kind of player they're looking for, but that's a risky proposition when the team has a dependable, 20-goal, 40-point, 22-year-old center in Rossi. That's not just "good," It's one of the only times the Wild have had that situation at center in franchise history. Look at the centers the team has developed in their 20-plus-year history, and the list is two: Mikko Koivu and Joel Eriksson Ek.

    Minnesota doesn't even get to settle for "good," but they're apparently willing to jettison that to chase "perfect." 

    It's a frustrating proposition in itself, but it's compounded whenever those close to the team explain what, exactly, Minnesota isn't getting in Rossi. The answers are easily disproven, contradictory, or bizarre, and the discussion on that episode of "Worst Seats in the House" highlights each flaw to the criticisms.

    (Editor's Note: Before continuing -- it's worth acknowledging that the following commentary from, specifically, Russo and Ryan Carter, are attempting to offer insight into the front office's thinking and not necessarily their own opinions. The following will be approaching these as the Wild's brass' likely views and not trying to pin these as the personal opinions of any media personality.)

    The driving critique might be whether or not he's a top-six center or not, in their eyes. "Is he a future No. 1 or No. 2 line center, or is he a third-line center on a good team?" Russo asked. "I'll bet you that is what's going through the mind of the Wild organization. Maybe they're just not trusting... that he has a spot in that top-six."

    Minnesota's answer to this conundrum will perhaps be trading Rossi. Wrong answer. The correct response is: Who cares? If Rossi's upside is that of a third-line center on a good team, congrats: They've found their third-line center! If the club believes Rossi is a third-line center on a "good team" and foresees Danila Yurov or Riley Heidt leap-frogging Rossi on the depth chart, then what's the problem here? The Wild would see Rossi as a third-line center on a good, contending team, and they'd have the depth to put him in that ideal position. 

    That would be great news for Minnesota, whose goal, presumably, is to be... a good team! The stereotype of a Third-Line Center is unglamorous and undervalued. People hear that term and think of a low-scoring forward banging against the other team's more physical players. It's much more crucial than that, at least, for the good teams with depth at center.

    All you have to do is look at the good teams that made the Stanley Cup Final. Who is the Edmonton Oilers third-line center? Ryan Nugent-Hopkins, the former No. 1 overall pick. Nugent-Hopkins isn't a typical "bottom-six" type of player, and calling him a "third-line center" underscores how much Edmonton uses him. At 5-on-5 play (removing special teams from the equation), "RNH" is fifth among Oilers forwards in time on ice per game. He's a "bottom-six" forward on paper, but in reality, he's eating "top-six" amounts of minutes.

    Look across to the Florida Panthers, who represent the Eastern Conference in the Cup Final, and there's Anton Lundell. You'll find Lundell as the third-line center on anyone's line charts, but is he a "bottom-six" forward in practice? Nope. Lundell is fifth in even-strength time on ice for the Panthers. We're not in the days of a third-line center being a one-way, Kyle Brodziak-type player anymore.

    That's to say, if the Wild see Rossi as a third-line center on a good team, that is a spot that is probably the fifth-most valuable forward role on the team. Why give that up to try finding greener pastures? If you have a 22-year-old who can hold that position, keep them and build around that.

    Looking to trade a valuable player because he "only" fills their fifth-most important need is baffling enough, but Carter's assessment of the situation is even more confounding. Carter is a former Wild player who broadcasts with Bally Sports North and hosts the team-affiliated "Wild on 7th" Podcast. While not part of the decision-making group, one can assume some familiarity with the team's thinking, being close to the team.

    Attempting to explain what shortcomings Rossi might have that would make him expendable, Carter explains, "Coming out of the draft, I think the Wild felt they were getting a real puck-mover, distributor-type player, where he's going to play up the middle and give the puck to the scorers on the flank. And I don't think Rossi has turned out to be that. We're talking about him being a 20-goal scorer.

    "And give him credit, he put weight on in the summer, and he's able to produce goals," Carter continued. "To me, it looks like he watched game tape of Eriksson Ek, and he's turning into a smaller version of Eriksson Ek, where he scores his goals in the paint. But you don't see a lot of distributors of the puck scoring in the paint. They play on the perimeter, they find space, they know passing lines. Rossi might have that skill, but that's not what they're getting at the moment."

    Carter concludes that the issue is a matter of fit rather than necessarily skill. "He's not their 15-to-20-goal-scorer, 60-assist type of guy. I think that was maybe the upside for Rossi on draft day. And what does Matt Boldy need on the second line? A true puck-mover, someone who can make plays and find him to score the goals. Is Rossi that?... He's different from what they thought they were getting."

    If those thoughts reflect the Wild's approach to Rossi, that should raise alarm bells for Wild fans. It's letting perfect be the enemy of good. 

    Despite all of the Wild's apparent hand-wringing over Rossi's size, they have a player who gets to the net regularly (and without missing a game in 2023-24) and plays similarly to Eriksson Ek, their No. 1 center. He takes matters into his own hands by going to the greasy areas to score goals and doesn't stay out of the fray on the perimeter.

    And this is all... a bad fit? How?

    Look through as many scouting reports as you'd like, for as long as you'd like. You won't find one that criticizes a smaller player for not being on the perimeter enough. Or even a larger player -- look at how long the team has begged Boldy to play the way Rossi does! In the hockey world, it's almost universally a criticism -- or at least a limitation -- to note that someone is a "perimeter player." Except, maybe, when the Wild are looking at Rossi and considering his future with the team. 

    If the Wild are disappointed that Rossi has fashioned himself into an Eriksson Ek clone or that he doesn't play, say, Marcus Johansson's perimeter game, it's patently absurd. A GM should be willing to trade members of their immediate families to land a 22-year-old Eriksson Ek-caliber center. Behind any forward who racks up 60 assists on less than 20 goals is a coach that'd reach into their pocket to pay the player twice their salary if they got to the net occasionally.

    If any of this reflects why Minnesota would dangle Rossi on the trade market, it reads as "It's not you, it's me" levels of break-up excuse-making. The Wild are still in a decades-long center drought. But they finally have a young, productive center and are apparently disappointed with having one that didn't quite match the center of their dreams. They have a good thing in Rossi and still have time to ensure they have that good thing into the future. All they have to do is not make perfect the enemy of good.

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    Great article and I'm in the keep Rossi camp.

    I assume Guerin's logic in moving Rossi+ is to acquire a linemate for #97, to incent 97 to stay with the Wild.  This is the only logic i can think of that makes sense to me.  If the return for a package including Rossi is to get a 26 year old studly linemate to keep 97 around I'm on board.  

    If the return is multiple prospects, FAIL

    If the return is a 30 something formerly studly fwd + some spare parts, FAIL

    If the return is a 1 for 1 trade, FAIL (because what we'd get back is a young player with hockey upside, but attitude downside)


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    Guerin's plan is cooked. If his only move is to trade away one of the few guys he has drafted and developed something is wrong. Rossi has done everything asked of him and more. Now they are frustrated he is getting to the dirty areas? Scoring more and passing less? Playing with more FU?

    He was one of the best 5V5 players on the team this year. Both offensively and defensively and is still developing. 

    Guerin has lost the plot. He got so entranced by his good ol' boys that he forgot he was suppose to be developing a team for 25-26 and that in truth, these years were a write off until the penalties came off. Instead he solidified a losing group, locked in underperforming veterans and focused on gutting the Wild organization to have his chosen people in positions of power.

    His organization moves left our Iowa Wild plummeting from playoff bound to bound for the ground. While he complained of the development of his prospects as a reason to move on from Army, we saw the kids go backwards under McLean. He took the reins from Brackett for the first time and drafted an absolute bust in the first only to have Brackett save his ass with the Heidt pick late in the second. 

    The busload of senior citizens he decided to lock in with NMC's has predictably ran out of gas a whole 400KM before expected and now we look to mortgage good developing players because it is his only move. Again this year we extend two pensioners in Bogosian and Fluery. I would place money on Bogosian's last season being a dead cat bounce as his history clearly indicates he played well above his norm. We extended Fleury for some nostalgia to watch him be sub.900% while putting the weight of the world on a first year goaltender in Wallstedt. Fishing with Gus while trading him would leave our goaltending completely in the lurch. 

    I hate to say it, but the best thing we could do at this point is buy out Gaudreau and run the young guns to give them experience and a chance to push out the locked in vets. For crying out loud, extend Faber, Chisholm and Rossi and keep some of the small momentum we have in our young core. It is well past time that we lie in the bed BG made and see what we need for a run next year.

    Okay, okay. Rant over.

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    21 minutes ago, Pewterschmidt said:

    If the return is multiple prospects, FAIL

    Why is this a FAIL?  because Guerin & Co have not proven yet that they have the ability to sniff out diamond in the rough prospects (see: Dallas).  So to send a #9 overall who's a proven NHL contributor for multiple roll the dice prospects is dumb.

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    Carter is talking out of his ass.  If you want Rossi to be a playmaker, then don't center him on a line with guys who skate around the perimeter and turnover the puck trying to be playmakers.

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    I hope Rossi scores 25 next year and forces Guerin to pay him and eat crow.

    Obviously, this sounds like a "if anyone we really want is there, sure...but 20-25 goal scorers don't grow on trees.


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    If all this trade Rossi+ stuff is about keeping Kaprizov around  it sounds like subtraction by addition. I don't see how we do much more than a lateral move by moving Rossi. If all this mental trade gymnastics is about keeping Kaprizov around move Kaprizov. You could get an absolute haul for him right now at his peak value. If he's wavering on staying let him go. Personally I think it would be a faster path to becoming a Cup contender anyhow. Imagine what he would bring if Guerin maxed his value in a trade.  Besides if you trade Rossi now do you get a guarantee from Kaprizov he stays?

    I sometimes think we over rate Kaprizov because he's the best thing ever to hit this team. He's no McDavid, Draisaitl, or Matthew Tkachuk even. He can be defended as we have seen and he can be a turnover machine as we have seen.  

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    I like how Tony started the article regarding Perfection being the enemy of good. Replacing a good young center for a player that fits the "perfect" description seems very challenging to accomplish. On the same thought, what GM would get rid of a better player than Rossi for a smaller center? I find it hard to believe any team would make that trade.

    For the Wild, a team that is starved for secondary scoring, it is awfully hard to see where there is no place for a young, 40 point center on the roster. It is hard for me to see how he is not a fit or cannot be utilized productively.

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    1 hour ago, Pewterschmidt said:

    I assume Guerin's logic in moving Rossi+ is to acquire a linemate for #97, to incent 97 to stay with the Wild.  This is the only logic i can think of that makes sense to me. 

    What I don't get about that is -- Remember when Boldy and Ek + Kap made the best line in hockey? Just do that, win, and shouldn't that be all you need to attract Kaprizov?

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    22 minutes ago, MacGyver said:

    Personally I think it would be a faster path to becoming a Cup contender anyhow.

    based on what evidence?  Charlie Stramel + RasmuKampu + 4 more years of Foli-jo-dreau is the guys who'll get us there?  

    A mountain of picks and prospects = Stanley Cup run only if the team choosing the picks and prospects have a track record of making the correct choices.

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    8 minutes ago, Tony Abbott said:

    Just do that, win, and shouldn't that be all you need to attract Kaprizov?

    We learned this year that one good line is not enough. And the world learned that there ain't much after that 1st line, so 97 needs to see some more offense on the way or he'll do the math and know he'll be 33 and with a new GM before this org. rights the ship, under a best case scenario.  Meanwhile he can go to NYR, FLA, DAL etc. and be the final missing corner piece of Stanley Cup puzzle.  

    Yes, I guess I've lost all faith in Guerin & Co.

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    "Yes, I guess I've lost all faith in Guerin & Co."

    Guess someone had to.  Still going to say one bad year doesn't make this team a loser.  They showed they wouldn't quit, even in games that had nothing to play for.  I would rather root for a team like that tries its damnedest with what it has than pray and hope, "Maybe the next GM will do a better job."

    *Remembers the team still has 1st and 2nd rounders*  Never forget; it can ALWAYS be worse.  One GM we know already ruined another team and got fired in the time since Guerin got here.  Funny how life works.

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    1 hour ago, Will D. Ness said:

    Carter is talking out of his ass.  If you want Rossi to be a playmaker, then don't center him on a line with guys who skate around the perimeter and turnover the puck trying to be playmakers.

    This.  I've said multiple times that Rossi will show who he really is when Yurov comes over.  Our top 6 can't include Zuccarello AND Johansson.  Zuccarello isn't bad, but I'd rather have him on a 3rd line with Hartman and Foligno.  And I'd rather have Johansson be an injury emergency.

    Rossi is playing like Ek because it's how he's being used.  No one else went to the net.  Hartman occasionally does, but doesn't really belong in the top 6.  Foligno was hurt most of the year and against isn't really top 6.

    The two question marks are Ohgren and Khusnutdinov. 

    I'm sure there was more expected of Khusnutdinov's speed, but the Wild usually didn't have him moving the puck.  I like his willingness to get in the trees, but he needs to get a little stronger to avoid getting pushed around.  I think he can be a good 4th liner and I'd really like to see him on the PK more provided he adds a little muscle.  Defensively he seems like he has some good instincts and he's quick enough to jump on a puck/knock it away.

    Ohgren I have some hopes for next season.  In the brief sample of games, I liked what I initially saw out of him.  He's got good awareness and instincts for a young player.  He also isn't shy about heading towards the net.  I'd like to see him build on that and come into next season determined to claim more ice time.  If we don't get a top 6 player in free agency or through a trade, I'd like him to earn a spot on the 2nd line and give Rossi some freedom to move around in the zone.  I feel like 2nd is a bit of a reach, but it's mostly because I'd rather him have the opportunity over Hartman and Foligno if he shows he can be productive there.

    Again though, I think it will take Yurov to fill out the top 6, assuming of course than he can make the transition to the NHL.

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    If Bill wants to trade people, Id start with any prospect not named Yurov, Wallstaed, Heidt or who they feel is their #1 D.  Outside that its fair game. Why the hell would they want to trade a player who has already made progress each year? Lets not forget he had myocarditis and could do nothing for over a year. Lets not forget Ek was underwhelming his first couple of years. Hell Nathan Mackinnon had 14,21 and 16 goals his 2-4 yrs. I am not saying hes going to be a Mackinnon. Just saying every player progresses at their own pace.My only huge flaw I see in Rossi is hes easy to knock off of the puck and knock over. His effort is there. Hes a good passer. He likes to hang out in front of the net. How about we give him another year to see if he takes the next step? Unless the trade blows the doors off, no way should Rossi  be traded.

    Edited by TM6975
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    So, they thought they might be getting a Mikael Granlund-type of player, but may have landed a Daniel Briere-type, so they want to trade him?

    Briere and Brad Marchand seem like the best comps for Rossi and both eventually hit 60 assists in a season, but it did take them years to get there.

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    1 hour ago, Pewterschmidt said:

    based on what evidence?  Charlie Stramel + RasmuKampu + 4 more years of Foli-jo-dreau is the guys who'll get us there?  

    A mountain of picks and prospects = Stanley Cup run only if the team choosing the picks and prospects have a track record of making the correct choices.

    There would obviously have to be a stud scorer and and proven up and comer who has a couple years under his belt involved. And some picks and prospects. I'm not even going to try to speculate what or who Kaprizov might bring but it sure would be interesting listening to offers. 

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    Who is the winger version of Ek?  Can we get like 3-4 of those for Kaprizov?  200-250 points per year total, all with the most punchable faces.

    All-Ek All-Star team right there.

    Edited by Citizen Strife
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    Just read an article from a Flyers fan site, and they listed Farabee, York, and Frost as "eh, maybe?"  They did say, "If the Wild are dumb enough to go for Frost, let them,"

    So, knowing nothing about Philly, not a great look if those are the options.  

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    Put Rossi with some finishers and…. What do you know, he gets a lot of assists, huh. I see a drive in Rossi that’s top tier. Whatever his ceiling is (and I’m not sure anyone really knows) he’ll get there. If it’s up to me this is the kind of player I want on my team. What has become kind of scary about Wild management is they seem to want other kinds of players. Slower, less skilled, injury prone, and a lot older. Disclaimer: Not the whole roster. 

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    Bill's loyalty bets didn't pay off well. 

    Floating Rossi's name could attract a GM to offer a guy they'd wanna move. Maybe a guy you'd like. Does it mean 100% Rossi gets traded?

    I think Bill needs to be perfect. Get the transactions right. Don't trade Rossi if he's about to have a big year and breakout. Especially for a lousy return.

    If the right deal was possible and he's hit his ceiling, okay. We'll see over time butane older player has less commitment. Rossi will soon need an extension and as a good young player he is both an asset and a guy you'd have to extend at a fair price. Does his health create a concern or is that history?

    I'm not sure the Wild are screwed and Cross-eyed Bill is nuts. It's been a tough year but there's plenty that can be done and this off season will be telling.

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    I don't know if they'd take Gus+13.  I wonder if they'd go for a middle tier prospect and go with it.  You're still getting a decent player at 13.  However, 10 nets an option for some of the remaining defensemen on the board.  Yakemchuk, Silayev or Dickinson as maybes?  Taking Iginla for sure if Calgary doesn't for some reason?  I think Guerin balks at 10 if Jersey wants Rossi as part of the deal.

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    36 minutes ago, Citizen Strife said:

    I don't know if they'd take Gus+13.  I wonder if they'd go for a middle tier prospect and go with it.  You're still getting a decent player at 13.  However, 10 nets an option for some of the remaining defensemen on the board.  Yakemchuk, Silayev or Dickinson as maybes?  Taking Iginla for sure if Calgary doesn't for some reason?  I think Guerin balks at 10 if Jersey wants Rossi as part of the deal.

    It would be risky getting rid of Gus and relying on Wally and Flower. I think to move up 3 spots you almost have to wait and see whose there. See if someone drops, the problem there is NJ also knows who drops and the price goes up or it doesn't happen at all.

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    What I'm thinking is there doesn't seem to be some magic player that is a can't miss after Celebrini.  I wouldn't know the difference of say a Catton versus Helenius off the top of my head.  Eiserman has the crazy shot, but is he worth giving up a cheap goaltender who can rebound if he's there?  There are still good forwards at 13 (Greentree/BN/Maybe Helenius or Eiserman anyway)?  I think the Wild jump if they know a defenseman is there.  That seems to be their slower building prospect pipeline.  A 2nd or 3rd line forward at worst is an easy enough pick up if a trade price is too high.

    Watching the Wild give up Rossi to get a package for a higher pick would be even worse.

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    9 minutes ago, Citizen Strife said:

    Watching the Wild give up Rossi to get a package for a higher pick would be even worse.

    Ya, I'm not on board for that either. I also think the price would be to high to move up 3 spots for a player that has just as many question marks as the player they could get standing pat. shrug...

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