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Hockey Wilderness
  • Note to the Montreal Canadiens, Chris Kreider is not a goon


    Dave Stubbs of the Montreal Gazette called it, "A violent, high speed goal-mouth collision."

    To me it looked like a Ferrari hitting a Lamborghini. The play in question looked very painful, but no way intentional. Hockey is a contact sport and collisions with the goaltender happen all of the time, that's hockey.

    Before game two, it was confirmed by CBC's Elliot Fiedman, that Price was seen wearing a knee brace at the Bell Centre.

    We move on, right? Well not really. Canadiens head coach Michel Therrien actually said that Kreider might have done this on purpose. Yeah and there's a black helicopter landing in Therrien's back yard. He can't be serious? Oh but he is.

    How's Kreider supposed to avoid contact with Price when he's being chopped to the ice by the Habs defenders? If anything the Canadiens should be mad at Emelin and Weise for tripping Kreider.

    Heck even one of the Canadiens players said this as well.

    Come on folks, this is absolutely black helicopter and tin foil hats stuff right here. Montreal folks that think Kreider did this on purpose, look out your back window, there's a black helicopter landing in your back yard and a SWAT team is ready to conduct a breach your on your house. Don't forget to protect yourself with your tin foil hat.

    What next, an investigation of the incident by the Montreal Police Department?

    On my fan blog, a Canadiens fan left a comment telling me that Kreider is a goon and a dirty player. Seriously! Having watched Kreider play in college and now in the NHL, I can tell you that he's not a dirty player, not even close. Kreider isn't the second coming of Ulf Samuelsson, either. This is a player that plays at a high rate of speed and plays the game straight up, nothing more, nothing less. Don't be one of those fans. If your still confused go back and watch the video.

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