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  • Minnesota Wild Season Grades: Chuck Kobasew


    If you don't mind, the Wild would like that draft pick back, Boston. You can keep Weller as their gift to you.

    Seriously, though, Chuck Kobasew was a panic move by Fletcher, faced with mounting injuries two seasons ago, and having a demand to make the playoffs. He gave up too much, and Kobasew just did not fit the mold for the team Todd Richards was trying to play. Sure, there were a few injuries along the way, but Kobasew just never gelled in Saint Paul.

    Will the lack of chemistry bolster or damage his grades from the Hockey Wilderness crew? Find out after the jump.


    JS- GRADE: D Sigh... the Kobasew experiment failed miserably. At least we didn't give a player, a prospect and a draft pick to get him... oh wait. Call me crazy, but it's possible this trade may have backfired worst than the Barker trade... well O.K., maybe not, but it was still a hiccup in Fletcher's reign. Kobasew just never found his place on the roster. He was either injured or on the 4th line, with brief looks on the 1st line in which he couldn't even dethrone Antti Miettinen. With all of that, we were never able to see Kobasew on his 20-goal a season form that we were promised. In fact, this year, he beat his point total from last year by two assists, but it took him 21 more games to do it, so Kobasew was even more marginal this year than he was last year. To be fair, he did show flashes of smart play and hustle, but they were too few and far between. 

    Elise- GRADE: C+ Didn't play as well as last season, despite playing more games, but still had a role.

    Dan- GRADE: D+ I just don't like the fact we traded Craig Weller, Alexander Fallstrom and a 2nd for Kobasew. He has no real purpose on the Wild roster. He was suppose to supply the team with depth scoring but all he has be able to do is become just another Wild depth checker, something the team has an abundance of. He will not be re-signed by the Wild (I'm confident of that) and I would like to see one of the youngsters in Houston battle for his spot.

    Nathan- GRADE: C-  Kobasew had the opportunity for playing time between the second and third line and a regular shift in offensive situations. However, he was never able to perform adequately enough to firmly entrench himself into the second line. When he did score it came in bunches, then he would vanish. Not exactly what you want from someone who is supposed to be filling an offensive role.

    Bryan- GRADE: F Chuck Fletcher said that Todd Richards wasn't the right fit. Chuck Kobasew never found his fit on this team. I don't think Kobasew is an F player, I just think that he failed to find a role on the team, added very little most nights, and never lived up to the price paid for his services. A second round pick needs to yield more than 16 points (9G, 7A) in 63 games this season. He may have been a victim of the numbers game, and may need top six minutes and linemates to produce. Problem is, he never earned them. I hope he finds a home somewhere, and some success, but here, his presence was a net loss.

    Cumulative GPA: 1.25 D+

    Final Thought

    Kobasew looks just like Brad Pitt. If his hockey career doesn't find a home, I hope he goes into some kind of celebrity impersonation. Maybe marrying people in Vegas.

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