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  • Is Marcus Johansson A Wild Card Or A Sunk Cost?

    Image courtesy of David Gonzales-USA TODAY Sports
    Adam Overby

    Marcus Johansson's 2023-24 season with the Minnesota Wild was a tale of two halves. While his arrival sparked a late-season surge last year, he hosted a nightly tour aboard the Frustration Express this year! 

    Sure, he showed some flashes of brilliance late in the season, but that doesn't erase the invisible ghost of “MoJo,” who haunted the ice most nights! Wild fans deserve better than this inconsistent mess but don’t forget that Minnesota had nine starters out of the lineup at one point in the season. Even Wayne Gretzky may have struggled if he had missed that many teammates. Well, maybe not. But a guy who is minus-65 for his career isn’t going to become a superstar overnight just because the Wild needed that.  

    Unfortunately, Bill Guerin went with Johansson over Gustav Nyquist after Johansson went on a heater with Matt Boldy when Kirill Kaprizov was out*. Geurin treated Johansson’s performance last season as redemption from his first stint with the Wild in 2020-21 and re-signed him. The fanbase saw the front office staring desperately at a desert mirage, parched for secondary scoring.   

    Johansson struggled to find his footing early on this season. Injuries hampered his consistency, and his offensive production dipped. His defensive lapses and turnovers proved costly, raising questions about his overall impact on the ice.

    The bottom line is that Johansson's $2 million cap hit is a hefty price tag for a player who delivered flashes of brilliance but lacked overall consistency while playing in a top-six role!

    His defensive woes and reliance on linemates raise questions about his true value to the Wild. Minnesota needs reliable performers, and Johansson's Jekyll and Hyde act might not be the solution they need for a Stanley Cup run.

    Let's face it: MoJo has a cap hit of only $2 million for the 2024-25 season with a full “no-trade clause” (NTC). He is a 33-year-old left wing who the Washington Capitals drafted 24th overall almost 15 years ago. He's made nearly $40 million from eight contracts with six teams, and Minnesota and Washington scooped him up for a second tour at the trade deadline.

    Johansson has played 911 games over 14 seasons, accumulating 174 goals and 309 assists for a total of 483 points and minus 65 for his career.

    He has value and can still be a contributing teammate in the right environment. But last season's 78-game calisthenics in-game training left most fans wishing Guerin would have kept Nyquist instead.

    I see four options Billy can explore.  Which one would you choose?   

    One Last Hurrah? Why Sticking with Johansson Might Be a Gamble Worth Taking

    Johansson's inconsistency makes any Wild fan want to scream or throw things at the television. But here's a crazy thought: What if we just... ride it out? His contract year magic is undeniable. Maybe, just maybe, this could be his “one last hurrah” season. 

    Sure, it's a gamble. But the Wild front office has far more egregious contracts, trades, and draft selections to be embarrassed about than letting a $2 million player work on his cardio in a bottom-six role during game night.   

    However, the downside is limited because his contract is expiring. It could be a valuable boost for Minnesota’s playoff push if he catches fire. They can always reevaluate in the offseason with a clearer picture. Plus, with some younger players hungry for ice time, Johansson's presence could push them to elevate their game. It's a risky bet, but it could pay off with a deep playoff run. 

    The Trade Route: Overcoming the No-Trade Clause

    Removing MoJo from the roster will require a well-crafted strategy and multiple levels of creativity from the Minnesota Wild. Billy will have his work cut out because his performance might not justify his cost and full no-trade clause.  

    The ideal scenario involves convincing Johansson to waive his no-trade clause. The only play I see to move this needle is a strategic financial and/or ego attack by taking this approach to the negotiations.  

    The Wild could start by informing MoJo that they’re exploring the option of a buyout for his contract or assigning him to the AHL. However, if he was willing to waive his NTC, Minnesota could make an effort to find him a home with a team that is a true championship contender. Hey Dallas, Las Vegas, Edmonton – This is Bill Guerin; when you get a second, give me a call back.

    To sweeten the deal, Guerin could package a late-round draft pick or a prospect behind the log jam like Dakota Mermis and/or retain a portion of his salary.  

    The key to unlocking this trade resides solely with Johansson's willingness to cooperate. However, unloading two players who are not part of the Wild’s future and getting a million bucks back on the books in Minnesota’s cash-strapped final season would probably give Guerin a new nickname: “Miracle Maker!”

    The Buyout Option: Weighing the Risks and Rewards

    If trade negotiations fail, the Wild can consider a buyout. That approach offers immediate cap relief but has drawbacks because it wouldn’t free up enough cash for a league minimum contract.

    According to CapFriendly, NHL buyouts typically spread out the cap hit over double the remaining contract years. Since Johansson has one year left on his deal, the Wild would be responsible for a cap hit spread over two seasons of $1.333 million. That would save the Wild only $666,000. If they send him to the AHL, his minor league salary is still $2 million.

    If the Wild choose a buyout, timing is critical. Do they do it before or after the draft?

    Buyouts can send a message to the locker room and fanbase that the team is serious about improvement and willing to make challenging decisions. Moving forward with a MoJo buyout will open up roster spots for young players to step up and become a core piece of the future.   

    A buyout can also be a tactical motivation for the remaining players. By lighting a fire under the remaining players, letting them know that their performance matters and their jobs aren't guaranteed. No matter what, they signed the year before. 

    Waiting until after the draft allows the Wild to leverage freed-up cap space to sign draft picks or extend contracts for key players.

    The Wild Card Option: Could Johansson Find His Game in the AHL?

    Let's face it, Wild fans are chomping at the bit for a change with Marcus Johansson. But before we banish him to the minors, consider this: Jon Merrill has been a healthy scratch for almost as many games as Mojo has dressed for, and he’s not on a bus to Des Moines.

    Maybe playing in the less demanding AHL could allow Johansson to rediscover his confidence and work on his game. That would lead to a strong performance, potentially attracting a mid-season trade suitor in need of veteran depth.

    Johansson's experience could be a goldmine for the young players in the Iowa Wild. I’m not saying he’ll turn one of them into the next Gretzky. Still, a different voice or perspective can go a long way when someone is trying to learn the finer details of the game. 

    By fulfilling his contract in the AHL, Johansson frees up a roster spot on the Wild for a young player hungry for NHL ice time. This win-win allows Minnesota to focus on development while honoring its commitment to Johansson.

    It's not an ideal scenario. Still, the AHL stint could catalyze a surprising turnaround for Johansson and the Wild's future. It's a gamble, but one with some intriguing possible benefits.

    Removing Marcus Johansson from the roster requires a well-crafted strategic maneuver. While a trade with salary retention is ideal, the Wild must prepare to explore buyout options if negotiations stall. Ultimately, the best approach involves a combination of tactics that minimize the negative impacts while maximizing the potential return on investment.

    The Wild can effectively navigate the Johansson situation by focusing on internal development alongside strategic trade or buyout maneuvers. That could lead to a more competitive roster in the long run, allowing them to pursue their championship aspirations.

    *An earlier version of this article misstated Boldy's injury status. We regret the error.

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    12 minutes ago, FredJohnson said:


    "Johansson has played 911 games over 14 seasons, accumulating 174 goals and 309 assists for a total of 483 points and minus 65 for his career.

    He has value and can still be a contributing teammate in the right environment. But last season's 78-game calisthenics in-game training left most fans wishing Guerin would have kept Nyquist instead."

    NoJo seems to need someone like Ovie to put a boot up his arse once in a while for motivation.

    And I remember Nyquist being a cap casualty. Am I wrong?

    I don't know NyQuist wanted to stay in MN, that's a factor I suppose. If I recall the timing, NoJo got 2x2M not long after MN was eliminated. Between that and the Gus arbitration instead of trading him, Nyquisst money wasn't possible. Short answer, yes. 

    MN should have traded Gus at max value, back-filled in net and used Wallstedt more. Found money to retain Nyqyist who looked better than NoJo and performed better last season. That's the biggest mystery about it all, how does Guerin pick NoJo and then lock him in on L2 all season despite obvious lazy, uninspired hockey. Guerin should have recognized the "flash in the pan" upon arrival on Boldy's line and one pretty playoff goal for what it was. The NoJo money and slot right now could put MN at around 10M of cap space with UFAs galore and incentive for prospects to nab a winger role...

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    1 hour ago, OldDutchChip said:

    Ohgren and Khusnutdinov are here to provide better depth now. because we believe? because Marat had 1 goal in 16 games? is it because despite winning his first 3 FO he is just at 47% for the year? or is it because of his better than advertised speed? Or maybe its Ohgren's pedigree who played for a whooping 4 games in NHL but is ready to step in and show that he belongs? sorry until they show something, i am going to assume they are a bit less than proven NHLers

    You sure do shout a lot.

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    34 minutes ago, Protec said:

    I've noticed Guerin gives guys a chance til he doesn't.

    True.  And if Guerin finds a way to rid the roster of the stain that is Nojo, Wild fans will give Guerin some goodwill

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    The Wild don’t have a lot of good options regarding MJ. It’s like when you buy a used car then regret it because it’s breaking down. The money is spent already.  There’s risk involved and MJ looks like a bad call by management. Of course there is a chance that this year is different. Sure maybe a small chance. I think the best thing to do is just slot the guy where he deserves to be. At least it sends a message to the rest of the team there’s some level of accountability. Second line? Fourth line? Press Box, AHL? MJ show us by your play where you really want to be. Management show us your agenda really is winning. 

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    2 hours ago, OldDutchChip said:

    due to his NTC i do not believe he can be just sent there without his content thus the predicament. otherwise - leo would have sent half the team to iowa already and we be in a swell position

    I believe you are confusing No Trade Clause (NTC) with a No Movement Clause (NMC).

    According to the soon to be closed capfriendly.com (😭😭😭), Mojo has a NTC not a NMC meaning he can be sent down to Iowa, and have to clear waivers.  You could, arguably, convince a player they are going to be put on waivers, but team X is interested in you...waive your clause and go to team X otherwise welcome to Arizona Utah

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    3 minutes ago, MrCheatachu said:

    I believe you are confusing No Trade Clause (NTC) with a No Movement Clause (NMC).

    According to the soon to be closed capfriendly.com (😭😭😭), Mojo has a NTC not a NMC meaning he can be sent down to Iowa, and have to clear waivers.  You could, arguably, convince a player they are going to be put on waivers, but team X is interested in you...waive your clause and go to team X otherwise welcome to Arizona Utah

    well that's a very good find, thanks MrC! then really no excuse to have MJ on the roster!

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    2 hours ago, Pewterschmidt said:

    They allowed him (and no one rose up to take his spot) to coast, literally coast, thru a full season last year presumably for his ability to skate the puck thru the neutral zone. Without ever sending him a message using reduced ice time.  He's in the middle six for next season too whether we like it or not. 

    B-i-n-g-o.  It's the NHL, the players want to win, the coaches want to win, the staff want to win.  It's not youth AAA hockey where Mojo's still here because his dad's construction company is the jersey sponsor.  If someone from the AHL would have played well enough to take his spot, they would have.


    Hynsie's job as a coach is to ice the best team, with lines that maximize the potential to win the game with the pieces that BillyG made available to him.  If Mojo's the best available, then damnit, we got to make Mojo work.

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    1 minute ago, OldDutchChip said:

    then really no excuse to have MJ on the roster!

    except we're broke...we cant afford anything nice.  I challenge you to find me a better available player for $1.15M/season who's available.  And remember, I watched all last season so if you say any player from Iowa, you're gonna get smacked with a rolled up newspaper.

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    Guerin gives people just enough leash to be worth a damn.  You have to remember that if he didn't get rid of Parise and Suter when he did, he'd be forced to ditch money immediately because Parise retired.  Suter may or may not follow suit.

    Guerin's option was keep them and rue the uncertain consequences later, or navigate a potential shitshow with and endpoint.

    What we don't know is how much if any Leipold is or isn't mandating about where the team should or should not be.  For all we know, Guerin would like to ice a San Jose/Chicago team but can't do a transparent rebuild, but also has 13-15m burning a hole through his depth chart.

    I hav heard him say from day one drafting is important and to build from the goalie out.  Unless that hits counter to what Leipold wants (the way Fletcher did things), who knows what he can or can't really do.

    Hindsight being what it is, some contracts are unwarranted,, but I'd rather not relive false hope trades like Moulson, Hanzal, Bergenheim, etc and leave the prospect pool even dryer than it is.

    If a $2m player scoring 30 points is the price the team has to pay to bridge a gap, fine.

    Again, putting the Lucchinis, Letteris, Mermises, and Addisons of the world is a recipe for Jack all of nothing.

    If paying Mojo for one more year keeps AHL lifers out of the main lineup again, I'll take it.



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    16 minutes ago, MrCheatachu said:

    except we're broke...we cant afford anything nice.  I challenge you to find me a better available player for $1.15M/season who's available.  And remember, I watched all last season so if you say any player from Iowa, you're gonna get smacked with a rolled up newspaper.

    i think the biggest thing is that removing MJ creates room for top 6. if he is on the ice, we have no choice but to play him in that top 6 role. he is useless everywhere else. not to mention PP role. as far as iowa goes - i would not look at Iowa (except for Sammy W - his time with the wild in 2022 was really impressive but then he kind of got a quick shot and then got burried so if he can get more of a fair shot - he would be my dark horse) but instead get aggressive starting with the draft and push for proven player (all while assuming that MJ is gone via trade or waiver route). spicy things happen at the draft, lets be prepared to act. there can be a package constructed from the mixture of Rossi, Spurge, Prospects (no prospect is untouchable for me) and picks (no untouchables here too). Potentially looking to deal out Spurge for nothing by including some picks and then plan on few scenarios - trade or free agency - and look at players i've already mentioned before. so basically i think MJs biggest harm to the team is his role. if he is a dewar i am more than fine sliding him to 4th line. but he is not . he is a waste of space and a waste of crucial space at that.

    thinking progressive and dangerous - what about Yurov and Spurge for Tuch? i dunno Sabres seem to be just as bad as always, maybe they want to take a swing at "can't-miss-prospect" and take our captain just like we did from them years ago.....then we sign guentzel and live happily ever after?

    • TUCH BOLDY I guess ROSSI 🤔
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    3 hours ago, OldDutchChip said:

    well that's a very good find, thanks MrC! then really no excuse to have MJ on the roster!

    Hopefully there is a team out there that saw his "inspired" World Championship performance and will take him for a bag of pucks.

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    15 minutes ago, Fezig said:

    I've said it here before. It's a free agency year. I expect MoJo to have a much improved effort. 

    The thing is, he was here in a contract year before and it ended badly. We all breathed a sigh of relief when Vegas broke his shoulder on a very NoJo-esque half-effort jam at a loose puck. Not a high-skill Euro play.

    "If the grit don't fit, you must demote to Swedish-spritzer league." 

    😁 I'm still working on the ending. Suggestions welcome. I was thinking "it's Euro-shit" but I don't wanna do racist against Euros. Or like what Guerin said about Talbot and his agent, "I don't have to do shit." 🤣 In the case of NoJo or Laine, "If the grit don't fit, it ain't a good get."

    "If the grit don't fit, fill in the blank"


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    1 hour ago, Protec said:

    The thing is, he was here in a contract year before and it ended badly. We all breathed a sigh of relief when Vegas broke his shoulder on a very NoJo-esque half-effort jam at a loose puck. Not a high-skill Euro play.

    "If the grit don't fit, you must demote to Swedish-spritzer league." 

    😁 I'm still working on the ending. Suggestions welcome. I was thinking "it's Euro-shit" but I don't wanna do racist against Euros. Or like what Guerin said about Talbot and his agent, "I don't have to do shit." 🤣 In the case of NoJo or Laine, "If the grit don't fit, it ain't a good get."

    "If the grit don't fit, fill in the blank"







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    17 hours ago, FredJohnson said:

    And I remember Nyquist being a cap casualty. Am I wrong?

    Ya Nyquist got capped…. Just a little more AAV than MJ but last year the Wild were down to bare bones. 

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    5 minutes ago, Burnt Toast said:

    Ya Nyquist got capped…. Just a little more AAV than MJ but last year the Wild were down to bare bones. 

    Oh yeah, and the fan base would have been STOKED if we signed a 34 year old winger who (until this season) was a 0.6 ppg player to a 2x$3.125M contract.  He was skating first line with Filip Forsberg and Ryan O'Reilley that turned him into a 0.9 PPG player last season.

    No way he's a 0.9 ppg player skating with either Rossi/Zucc/Hartman/Freddy

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    He is a sunk cost.   I  start him, but on the lowest line possible given his effort level in camp.  Give him the ability to work his way up or down with his play.  If he plays his way into the press box, fine.  Give him a couple opportunities to play and if nothing changes, Iowa it is.   If he waives the clause, fine, if not I-O-W-A.   

    I think it helps a great deal that it is a contract year.  He will either put in some effort in a desperate attempt to stay in the league, or just not care and accept this is the end.  

    The Wild are not a cup contender this year so who cares?  He is one and done.  I also think he will be a bit better this year because it would be hard to be worse.  But there are carrots and sticks.  The team needs to start using sticks.

    Edited by Dis-allowed display name
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    1 hour ago, Will D. Ness said:

    Ice dancing is legit?  

    Too many syllables.

    You must not quit?

    You must omit?

    You'll spit the bit?


    That's the first few clean ones I could think of.


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    20 hours ago, Protec said:

    I don't know NyQuist wanted to stay in MN

    This should be considered when also saying we could have gotten Pius Suter or Nosek for x.  Some players just aren't interested in certain teams.  Maybe they don't like the location or they feel like they'll get more sponsorship deals elsewhere, every player is different.  Some even will sign for a team they aren't particularly keen about, but might only do if for more money than they would have been willing to do elsewhere.  Point is, if one team signs a player for x at x years, it doesn't mean that the Wild could have gotten the same player for the same amount and term.

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