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Hockey Wilderness

Article: What Is Fanatics? And Why Did the Wild Partner With Them?

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As someone who has worked for the Hockey Lodge for several years, I will hope that fans both during games and not will understand that this decision was probably done way above the store and managements heads, in a bigger version of the TRIA patch thing.  

People who work for the Hockey Lodge always pride themselves on keeping the store and arena looking as best as possible despite what is probably a thankless job at the best of times.  The main store sometimes has 250-300 people shopping wall to wall at times.  That isn't to excuse what reputation Fanatics has.  All I will say is none of it should come at the feet of people working hard day in and day out to make the store, warehouse, and other functions as great as possible.  I love working there, and the people I work with, regardless of what apparel they sell.

I'm fairly curious how this changeover affects the store as a whole.  I suppose I'll know soon.

Edited by Citizen Strife
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Bekki, I know nothing about you so I won't say anything too stupid (I hope). My experience and everything I have read about Fanatics is absolutely terrible. Lack of quality control is one thing but intentional design and manufacture subpar apparel is not excusable. In short, Fanatics is complete trash in my opinion. And Becky, you do write as though you are on the Fanatics marketing team. I agree with CS above and hope fans won't take their frustrations out on the good folks who work at the Hockey Lodge.

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