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Hockey Wilderness

Article: Liam Ohgren Vying For a Spot On the Wild

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LBH, did you notice if any of the attendees happened to look bigger than reported? 

For instance, we know Stramel is 6'4" 220. That would be the benchmark for size. He's tall and thick. So what we would be comparing is who looks shorter but similarly thick? Ohgren is probably the default answer here. But did someone else impress in this way, and, did it seem to translate positively to their game?

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I dont want to pile on kids... because between 18-25 years there is that massive shift to elevated fat content (to muscle if you are doing it right).... but -

I usually noticed more of the tall guys looking a little more string-beany than I thought they would. Kumpalainen could stand to pack some pounds. Ritchie is a bit of a whisp.

I actually thought Zeev looked reasonably broad next to Leskovar when they tustled.

The goaltender, Hlavaj, is a big dude, as advertised.

For some reason Haight seemed a ways more filled out than Heidt to me. Haight didn't really seem all that small compared to the "bigs"

Stramel, as advertised. From that most recent Judd Brackett interview, it pretty much confirmed to me that the Wild have been weighting combine results heavily into some of their upper round decisions lately (at least if BPA isn't super-obvious in that 11-20 range)

Ogre was low-hanging fruit on this question. He looks more like a man buildwise. Could just be genetic or the fact that his dad is a pro-trainer... I figured that would be an asset for him.

It was tough to superimpose players in that way because they did neither did much side-by-side drills, nor did they do a ton of head-to-head.

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11 hours ago, LittleBallofHate said:

For some reason Haight seemed a ways more filled out than Heidt to me. Haight didn't really seem all that small compared to the "bigs"

I found all of it interesting, but this note stands out because I've never seen Haight listed above 5'11" in any hockey database stuff, but the Wild had him listed at 6'2" in their camp roster. He also looked reasonably big compared to his teammates in their cup picture. I haven't found anything that suggests he has grown, but not looking small compared to the bigs is a good place to be even if he is still under 6'.

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