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Article: The Wild's Extended Veterans Must Buy Into New Roles

10 minutes ago, OldDutchChip said:

maybe trenin is a childhood friend of Kap? that is the only thing that could explain this stupidity.

This signing made such little sense to use up a significant portion of the Wild's cap space, I actually tried to investigate this a bit.

Doesn't look like they played together on any pro teams(MHL or KHL), but possible they had become friends in earlier years since they are the same age(roughly 3 months apart).

The towns they were born in are far apart(24+ hour drive), but no idea where they spent a majority of their youth. Interestingly, Trenin(#55 overall) was selected 80 picks ahead of Kaprizov in the 2015 draft.

I thought the Wild were looking for a 2nd line guy, but looks like they've landed a 4th line guy.

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2 minutes ago, Imyourhuckleberry said:

This signing made such little sense to use up a significant portion of the Wild's cap space, I actually tried to investigate this a bit.

Doesn't look like they played together on any pro teams(MHL or KHL), but possible they had become friends in earlier years since they are the same age(roughly 3 months apart).

The towns they were born in are far apart(24+ hour drive), but no idea where they spent a majority of their youth. Interestingly, Trenin(#55 overall) was selected 80 picks ahead of Kaprizov in the 2015 draft.

I thought the Wild were looking for a 2nd line guy, but looks like they've landed a 4th line guy.

🍻 thanks for checking on that

argh - maybe we need a coup to get billy out before he does anything else? but how much more harm can he do? although - i wonder if midds is pushing term and price and grit on billy and that is the other zinger that will land upon us soon - 5X5 for midds.


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"While he’s effective in his role, $3.5M is a lot of money to spend for a Trenin-type player for a Wild team that had the 21st-ranked offense last season. With only $6.25M in projected cap space entering the day, this is likely their lone big-name free-agent acquisition."

Guerin's off-season progress report is trending in wrong direction.  Sounds like Trenzy is a legit bottom six rough neck, but an expensive one.  Another Guerin unforced error??

This was the big $ spend this offseason assuming Guerin hasn't found a sucker to offload some of the apathetic old core.

Looks like Lauko and Trenzy are going to fill the skates of Mario Bros (letteri and Jake String bikini)


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I'm going to predict that Mids gets dealt this offseason given the teams immediate offensive need for a middle six wing and the drafting of Z Bubble who arrives in couple years.  Hunt?  Lambos? Orourke?  Anyone?

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The part that im confused about is the $$$ we have available to spend next year is where do you spend it if  a couple guys contracts end and are replaced by ELC guys  Faber gets some and i suppose Kaprizov the following year  just bank the rest unless you trade off a guy or 2  .

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His long stick”

We gotta come up with a new way of saying that… maybe long reach.

P.s. How do I unhighlight my typing after I copy paste?

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The Athletic reported that Guerin had apparently indicated that adding players who can help the team rediscover a hard-nosed, defensive-minded identity would be more of a priority this offseason than adding a second-line winger. 

Yakov Trenin, signed 4x$3.5M by MIN, is a defensive winger and penalty killer who forechecks and hits. Also played for their head coach previously. Supposedly has some skill with the puck although nobody scored on any of his passes last year.

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They are definitely trying to raise the floor first.  Defensive help looks to be the focus, rather than offensive flair.  If they still have openings for Heidt and Ohgren, it's possible they are hedging their bets they are going to fix that internally, while focusing on that shitty PK first.

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are we going to set the record for the least goals scored ever? i mean we only have ONE line. what if there are injuries? we have no depth! how many games will we go scoreless? we have MJ, Freddy, This trenin guy, Harty, Old man zuccy, two rookies, Foligno and then line 1. did i forget anyone? i wasn't this excited for season to begin since days mieteninen joined our top line. 😢

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Trenin is good at what he does… strong on the PK, throwing checks, chips in with good scoring for a 4th liner… can do shifts on the 3rd line. He’s a good pickup, and he’s definitely filling a hole in the lineup. 4 years at $3.5m seems excessive, especially with secondary scoring the top need. He is Russian, and Kap has often stated how much he enjoys playing with other Russians. This move really suggests that Guerin is looking at the trade market for scoring.

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1 hour ago, Imyourhuckleberry said:

Doesn't look like they played together on any pro teams(MHL or KHL), but possible they had become friends in earlier years since they are the same age(roughly 3 months apart).

Perhaps it was the WJC teams?

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I like Lauko and Trenin additions. With the cap going up, so are player's salaries. Edmundson got $3.8m, Cole got $3.1m. Duhaime cashed in with $1.9m. 

Middleton at 4 X $4m is coming in pretty much at market value, though, I think if you wait a year, Edmundson's deal will be the comparable. I do think Shooter's mentality is trying to get ahead of cap increases using today's value. 

I believe players get a clean slate with Heinzy this training camp, and we could see some surprises. If we have guys like Milne or Bankier able to beat out Freddy or Johansson, I think we could see them on waivers, or traded to someone who wants them. 

When we had the GREEF line going, we also had a large 4th line too. I think this is the way Shooter wants to retool this year, add size and strength in the bottom 6. Plus with that size and strength comes more tenacity with the smaller guys. They've got their big brother covering their back. 

It looks like top 6 positions may be won by draft picks. If I'm penciling in right now, I'm seeing a Hartman-Rossi-Zuccarello 2nd line. I'd be very concerned if I were Johansson or Gaudreau, probably more specifically Johansson. 

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2 hours ago, OldDutchChip said:

stars will still be top 3 though. no chance we are in playoffs next year unless billy pulls something magical 

No doubt we got bit by the injury bug last year and it really affected us.  We had players missing games all over the place with our biggest loss being Spurgeon.  Although I am pretty sure Kirill started the year below 100%.  If Spurgeon and the rest are fully recovered we are a bubble team.  If we start with a bunch of players that are below 100% we will quickly be out of the conversation.

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17 minutes ago, mnfaninnc said:

Perhaps it was the WJC teams?

Ding Ding Ding! Get this man a prize!


He also played for Heinie when he was coach of the Predators.

I know little of the player, but after defending the contracts of Mojo ($2M), FreddyG ($2.1M) and Bogo ($1.2M) and also being on the fence about everyone else making $4M (Moose/Hartzy/Zucc) it seems odd that I'm suppose to get excited about a 'solid 3rd line player' getting 4x$3.5M here.


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26 minutes ago, mnfaninnc said:

I'd say that the Trenin signing probably takes out a Laine trade.

Unless Spurgeon goes out, I would agree, but I imagine Columbus is on the no-trade list for him, so I'm not holding out hope for Laine.

Starting July 1, 2024: Player submits a 10 team no trade list. I'm sure every player could have a different list, but one might imagine Columbus to be on a lot of those 10 team lists that players submit.

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Hockey Wilderness Contributor
1 hour ago, Sam said:

His long stick”

We gotta come up with a new way of saying that… maybe long reach.

P.s. How do I unhighlight my typing after I copy paste?

The cost of copyright infringement.

(I honestly don't know, but I also now can't get your comment out of my head and "long reach" will be used in every situation now)

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14 minutes ago, MrCheatachu said:

Ding Ding Ding! Get this man a prize!


He also played for Heinie when he was coach of the Predators.

I know little of the player, but after defending the contracts of Mojo ($2M), FreddyG ($2.1M) and Bogo ($1.2M) and also being on the fence about everyone else making $4M (Moose/Hartzy/Zucc) it seems odd that I'm suppose to get excited about a 'solid 3rd line player' getting 4x$3.5M here.


wow just wow 

can we get Kap's grandma a job too? 

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3 hours ago, Citizen Strife said:

Hartman > Zuccarello > Foligno

Okay, it's really bugging me how much I'm agreeing with you! Stahp making sense!! It confuses me when I see rational comments.

In all seriousness now...I think these 3 and Frauddie can provide value. They're overpaid, but they can provide value. I'm excited for the youngins and optimistic they'll knock these vets down to the 3rd/4th anyway.

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