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Article: The Wild Have A Brand Identity Crisis

Tony Abbott

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I work most Wild weekend games, and they roll out the 78 color scheme and fit it on TV too.  I really dig the bright greens and yellows.  I grew later in life as a Wild fan since 06, so I don't have the nostalgia factor.

I do think the 78 colors just "look" better, but I can't say a full rebrand is necessary.  The normal and alternated both sell like crazy despite the prices.  It's all personal preference.


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I like the jersey styles now much better than the first decade or so of the team's existence.  Some of those were downright awful.  I like the North Stars version too, but ultimately it's a Wild jersey paying homage to MN North Stars history and not representative of the Wild itself.  The color scheme of the Wild is representative of the name and the state/State of Hockey motto based on what they are supposed to represent.  Rebranding to North Stars colors would logically require a complete rebrand of most of that as well.

I think a lot of people are still in denial that the North Stars are gone.  The Hurricanes drawing on the Whalers makes sense because it's actually the team's history.  The North Stars are not the Wild's history.  I don't see a problem with having an alternate paying homage to the North Stars, but the team itself only now exists as the Dallas Stars.  It's not our team any more than the Lakers are still our basketball team.

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1 hour ago, raithis said:

It's not our team any more than the Lakers are still our basketball team.

This point lands the plane for me.  

I've always thought of the North Stars as the Wild and State of MN pro hockey team precursor (and still do), but the Lakers comparison makes the franchise distinction more clear.

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Very unpopular opinion but I hate the yellow and green retro jerseys. It’s not our history anymore and it just looks weird with our Wild logo.

 The whole point of the Willd logo is to represent the green forests, the red iron range, gold harvest and Minnesota wheat. The logo looks stupid with alternate colors so if they change the colors then we should just drop the logo as well.

i wish when the franchise moved we kept the name, colors and history but we didn’t. It all belongs to the Stars now.

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The green and gold theme looks okay, if you ignore the fact the Green Bay Packers also use the green and gold theme. I have no nostalgic memories of the North Stars, since I never went to any games. The only time I ever went to the met center, was for the circus, when my school took a field trip there. Although, I do remember one of my grade school teachers showing us the news coverage of the met getting torn down.

After the North Stars left, I never developed any real interest in hockey until the Wild came into existence when I was in high school. I filled the void by cheering for KG and the Timberwolves. Therefore, the jersey colors are largely unimportant to me. 

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The "Wild" moniker suxxxed from the get-go. It's a bland name chosen to make sure no one feels offended. And the Christmas colors are great...AT CHRISTMAS!

Make the color change to the bright green and gold then go with Minnesota Wildebeest or something that has an actual phucking image to be proud of.

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