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Article: The Rangers “Fixed” Alexis Lafreniere. Can Minnesota Do the Same With Marco Rossi?

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Lafreniere has looked really good. Big games especially in the playoffs. Large frame NA player coming into his own with strength and confidence. His potential and draft pedigree coming to fruition. 

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The Rangers “Fixed” Alexis Lafreniere. Can Minnesota Do the Same With Marco Rossi?
I don't think Rossi needs "fixing". He needs complimentary linemates. He needs support, not guys just skating around like NoJo and Frauddie.

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Who else does Rossi mesh with would be my question. Perhaps those linemates are already here? Rossi was Guerin/Brackett's 1st pick for the rebuild/retool/reload. Surely there are other players in the system who were thought to be his linemates. 

I'll be interested to see how training camp goes this year and to see what changes Heinzy makes. 

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I don’t see anything that needs to be fixed for Rossi. He just needs more time and experience to get better. I couldn’t believe all the nimrods out there saying Laf was a bust. The guy just needed more time. Just because he doesn’t blow you away his first two seasons doesn’t mean he’s not going to be good.

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Trade Rossi and we will see how broke he is. What's broken is the Wild's development system. Not getting the proper coaching in the A not getting put in positions to succeed in the N. And then when a prospect develops and shows great promise in spite of all that he has to read about himself being trade bait.  

Whether Rossi gets traded or not it's got to effect his confidence now. 

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I'm not worried about Rossi.  I was (we all were) worried last off season, but he proved us all wrong.  

I think there will be more growing pains but I think we know the effort is there.  Nothing is broken.  Rossi just needs more experience. 

Hienz does need to find that 2nd line chemistry though.  

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7 hours ago, MacGyver said:

Not getting the proper coaching in the A not getting put in positions to succeed in the N.

I agree.
Not to be a goalpost mover...this is why I don't see The Wall playing in the A next year. If Billy gets a decent offer for Gus, he'll trade him. Then it's WallFlower (c) time!

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