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Article: Will Faber Lose the Calder On A Technicality?

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100% gotta define the criteria for measure. Otherwise it's just a popularity & PR selection. Politics. 

I think Faber is more important to a winning team in the long-term. Happy the Wild have Faber from the Fiala trade no doubt. Plus a 1st.

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Bedard is going to win. He was the preseason favorite and hasn't disappointed. He gives him better teammates, I don't believe his defense is nearly as bad. So yeah, I'm saying the fact he is on a shitty Blackhawks team doesn't matter, he's been pretty damn good. 

I think as Wild fans, we should be excited and happy that Faber is at least in the conversation. 

This is Bedard's to lose.

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The analytics are a fun exercise, but all the numbers indicate is what to watch from the eye test. Most importantly, what do the players do head to head against each other? There will be 4 games of Chicago vs. Minnesota. How did each look?

I watch 0 Blackhawk hockey, so I have no idea how Bedard is doing. From the durability perspective, he didn't hold up as well as Faber in a more physical position. Even Wild vs. Blackhawks I haven't watched due to blocked restrictions for me.

But, this is a pretty easy race to call. I am projecting the Wild have 2 finalists, though, there is another defender along with Faber who deserves some recognition. Bedard will win because Chicago is a bigger market and an original 6 franchise. That's it, simply put.

As for the Faber argument above, most of his minutes have not been with Brodin, but been with Middleton. Middleton was having a horrible season until Faber became his pair and calmed him down. Faber's TOI would suggest he's playing in all situations. And, his value to the team has been as much of an impact as I can see from Bedard's stats. 

The Calder voters will likely value scoring over defending. That's just what they do. Faber has held up his end of the bargain offensively, but Bedard still leads the list and when you've got a lot of national writers who do very little homework, a quick look at the list puts Bedard on top of the points race. 

We shouldn't really care. Faber is probably more deserving based upon his year, but these individual trophies are not our goal. This team should have 1 goal and that's the SC trophy. The rest are nice and can be put in the big house the rookies eventually obtain, but the SC trophy is the goal. 

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9 hours ago, mnfaninnc said:

We shouldn't really care. Faber is probably more deserving based upon his year, but these individual trophies are not our goal. This team should have 1 goal and that's the SC trophy. The rest are nice and can be put in the big house the rookies eventually obtain, but the SC trophy is the goal. 

Spot on.

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On 4/5/2024 at 7:46 PM, TCMooch said:

I don’t think Faber will win but who cares…we got a #1 Dman and Chicago sucks ass. The world is good 

I've said before the Calder is not for Bedard to lose it's just simply Bedard's. He's the leagues newest darling and so it has already been written. Everyone is just assuming Faber is going to keep this pace and high level of play every year. Nothing says he can't but you have to acknowledge the possibility of a unicorn year he's having.

 Yes Chicago sucks but they are not going to suck forever. About the time the Wild get their poop in a pile most likely so will Chicago. A few more seasons under Bedard's belt and it's going to be like another McDavid  in our division. Nearly a point a game player as a 18 year old rookie on one of the worst teams in the league, yeah he has Wild killer written all over him. All the other teams in the conference are not going to sit idly by and watch in amazement as the Wild emerge from cap hell and become some juggernaut and steam roll them. Pretty sure they are all going to be improving their teams as well.  

 Yes, we will finally be on a level playing field with everyone else but we are not going to magically have more money or some big advantage. Guerin is not going to be able able to make it rain money on high end free agents suddenly as Faber, Kaprizov and maybe Rossi are going to eat up large chunks of that money providing they can convince Kaprizov to stay that is.  And we will still be dragging around some unfortunate contracts given to mushy middle aging players. 


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1 hour ago, MacGyver said:

Everyone is just assuming Faber is going to keep this pace and high level of play every year. Nothing says he can't but you have to acknowledge the possibility of a unicorn year he's having.

That would be the argument for extending Faber with a bridge deal. I do feel better about Faber's ability to continue on this path given the same opportunities (where Spurgeon doesn't take over his spot). I feel less confident in Rossi doing it, probably due to his size. He made big gains this year, he needs another big offseason where edges and strength need top priority. Faber could use a little more in the strength category too, which would make him an all around beast.

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2 hours ago, mnfaninnc said:

That would be the argument for extending Faber with a bridge deal. I do feel better about Faber's ability to continue on this path given the same opportunities (where Spurgeon doesn't take over his spot). I feel less confident in Rossi doing it, probably due to his size. He made big gains this year, he needs another big offseason where edges and strength need top priority. Faber could use a little more in the strength category too, which would make him an all around beast.

I agree giving Faber a bridge deal would be a smart move but the way he has played the Wild will want to lock him up long term his agent however might think differently who knows. We seem to forget sometimes that these players have agents and some players let the agent totally handle things and stay out of it while others will tell their agents what deal to take and where. Kaprizov is one I believe to let his agent do all the talking which may make it difficult for the Wild.  One thing is Faber has been very vocal about actually wanting to be here. You can't say he hasn't earned it but there's always that what if this is a unicorn year for him and you have locked him up on a 8X9 deal. 

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9 minutes ago, MacGyver said:

I agree giving Faber a bridge deal would be a smart move but the way he has played the Wild will want to lock him up long term his agent however might think differently who knows.

I think in this case, Faber wants the team to take care of him, and he wants to remain on his childhood team. I also think he'll take a little less, home town discount, and will play hard because of pride for this team. I could see him signing a Boldy type of deal, but I think he loves it here and is staying.

If he leaves, it will be because he's traded, not because he chose to leave.

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If Faber doesn't win, it's politics.

Not that many fewer points. Plus player in a rookie season as a defenseman. 

The season Faber has had is more impressive overall no doubt. A flashy offensive guy gets a lot of highlights and that's great but it's nowhere near as difficult or impressive as a first year NHL player who scores half as many points as Norris candidates while playing defense well.


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