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Hockey Wilderness

Article: Gamethread: Wild at Capitals (6:00 p.m.)

Thomas Williams

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10 minutes ago, Dango said:

I noticed Kaprizov uses white tape on his stick ,wouldnt it be harded to follow the puck for defenses and  goalies if the tape matched the puck  ,black on black ,  sort of hid it .

That's always been the theory, but not sure of how much it really helps. 

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Much better start. Wild actually skating early. Just a gorgeous play all around on Rossi’s goal, basically a stretched out tic-tac-toe and what a finish by Rossi! PP generated a few good chances too  

Missed the shorty live but the replay looked like yet another turnover up high. 

Their PP goal I do not know what Merrill was thinking. Just straight puck watching. Mermis & Merrill aren’t a great duo on the PK. 

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Pretty quiet in here tonight. Can’t believe we actually won a challenge for once. Had a couple feeds across that almost got tipped home by Hartman & Foglino.

PP had a huge chance to tie the game but couldn’t get it done, definitely missing Boldy. Thought the Wild got a little loose the last 4-5 minutes of the period, scrambling around in the neutral zone and not getting in deep. Flower tending net fantastically. 

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MN special teams are brutal after three years of struggling with the same issues. Losing the majority of draws every game. Just not sure what the deal is with this team. 

They shouldn't stink. Yeah Boldy and Spurge are out but are they really that fragile and incapable without those guys?

It's early in the year still but I just have a hard time understanding how the same things are a problem year after year after year. We've all known it's a thing and it cost the Wild in the playoffs last year bigly. 

In the last few games the PP and PK have been absolutely terrible.

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