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Hockey Wilderness

Wild Recall Daemon Hunt From IA


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Merrill is a 7th or 8th Defenseman at best.  I give Addison credit for being a little better than last year, but he's a pretty big liability and if there's any sort of breakaway, he's the last person I want to see there.  That play with Jenner the other day hopefully knocked some more sense into him because there wasn't anything else good about it.

Hunt looked pretty good the little bit I saw of him in the preseason.  There's no telling whether he'll do well if he gets a chance to play, but right now, maybe scratching Merrill for a game might be a good idea.  I feel like Hunt would play at least as good as Merrill has been so it's worth a shot.

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When I see guys pumping their social media all Summer and it's silly events or amateur golf, then they show up to get hurt or suck on defense, I'm saying "bullshit!"

Come on Guerin, what's up with that get on those guys. Dean??? WTF. Who do they think they are, Gump Worsley? Get in the gym, go snap a few hundred pucks, or go take collagen and strengthen-up your ligaments. Some guys are doing the Gary Roberts camp all Summer.

McDavid has permission to get hurt or go on goofy events. NHL rookies and aging journeymen, no.


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