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Article: Wilderness Walk: Opening Day

Thomas Williams

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I don't know about that Svig, I think we still need to discuss cap and possibly putting Spurgeon on LTIR. 

So, today is the beginning of the season for many teams, does that mean it is our beginning? Thomas suggests that with the Wild submitting their final roster of 21. If this is the case, Spurgeon could be LTIR eligible which would make him eligible to return for the November 4th game.

The savings we could get from a Spurgeon stint on LTIR are pretty good. Couple that with a couple of send downs of Boldy (paper only), and we could clear space for a couple of our prospects to fill in for injuries. 

Also, the experience Lambos/Hunt could get would be very beneficial to their growth as players and know what they need to do to come up fulltime. 

If they do well, Spurgeon can take as long as he needs to fully heal. If they don't do well, we've always got Mermis who can fill in for the extra D and can go with Goligoski. 

Since it's the beginning of the season, even missed time for Spurgeon won't be such a big deal. Getting him fully healthy, I'd think, would be the goal, not rushing him back to 85% just to get him in, and having the injury linger. 

The other item is on a different front: Figuring out how to wear the reverse retro whites on the road. Do you think anyone would notice if we did it in Sweden? 

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I'm pretty sure you can't accumulate cap space while using LTIR. So for the whole time spurgeon would be out the wild wouldn't accumulate any cap, they'd have cap relief during the LTIR but they'd be back in this same spot when spurgeon returns.

1 hour ago, mnfaninnc said:

The savings we could get from a Spurgeon stint on LTIR are pretty good.  


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36 minutes ago, Adamada said:

I'm pretty sure you can't accumulate cap space while using LTIR. So for the whole time spurgeon would be out the wild wouldn't accumulate any cap, they'd have cap relief during the LTIR but they'd be back in this same spot when spurgeon returns.

You are correct that the LTIR does not produce additional cap space, if the Wild would be exceeding the Accruable Cap Space Limit (ACSL). LTIR allows a team to exceed the maximum, but doing so does not allow them to accrue additional cap space.

The way I understand it is that the team would still need to operate under the salary cap maximum in order to accrue cap space, so if they brought in a player that put them over, then they would gain nothing in the time that Spurgeon was on LTIR. It's complicated, but assuming Spurgeon is coming back this season, as is very much expected, it doesn't seem like there is much advantage to using LTIR at this point in time.

https://www.capfriendly.com/ltir-faq#:~:text=LTIR relief comes in the,(their cap hit value).

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Thx Thomas for the memories and for the pic of Benn and Maroon dueling it out. Cant wait for the season to begin and to see Dallas again

So sick of Benn and his antics, he's always the "tough guy" when he's pushing smaller players and those who wont fight him around.

When he has no choice and Maroon goes for him.....then he grabs on and really makes no effort to fight, just grab, reach, fake punch and tackle. He is such a cheap a$$ punk.

Gonna be a new rodeo in Texas this year if him and Suter try that cheap shit this year!

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6 hours ago, Imyourhuckleberry said:

You are correct that the LTIR does not produce additional cap space, if the Wild would be exceeding the Accruable Cap Space Limit (ACSL). LTIR allows a team to exceed the maximum, but doing so does not allow them to accrue additional cap space.

The way I understand it is that the team would still need to operate under the salary cap maximum in order to accrue cap space, so if they brought in a player that put them over, then they would gain nothing in the time that Spurgeon was on LTIR. It's complicated, but assuming Spurgeon is coming back this season, as is very much expected, it doesn't seem like there is much advantage to using LTIR at this point in time.

So, how are these other teams circumventing the cap using LTIR, and how do we do it?

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31 minutes ago, mnfaninnc said:

So, how are these other teams circumventing the cap using LTIR, and how do we do it?

Yeah, like Mark Stone in Vegas, (also Boston) salary retained, add more players to play the season and then Stone returns when playoffs start, no cap, then the players are dumped prior to beginning of next season. 

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8 minutes ago, vonlonster67 said:

Yeah, like Mark Stone in Vegas, (also Boston) salary retained, add more players to play the season and then Stone returns when playoffs start, no cap, then the players are dumped prior to beginning of next season. 

Would it work to, say, grab a guy like Carey Price and just stash him on LTIR? Some of these teams have deep pockets and can afford to do it. A large market team could, but I believe the Wild could too. It's a smaller market but it has the following of a large market team. Most of our cap is tied up, but the actual monetary payout is peanuts comparatively. 

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Just now, mnfaninnc said:

Would it work to, say, grab a guy like Carey Price and just stash him on LTIR? Some of these teams have deep pockets and can afford to do it. A large market team could, but I believe the Wild could too. It's a smaller market but it has the following of a large market team. Most of our cap is tied up, but the actual monetary payout is peanuts comparatively. 

That stuff is not my forte and not sure I understand it completely to speak concise about it. Maybe Huck or MrCapwatchu know?

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1 hour ago, mnfaninnc said:

Would it work to, say, grab a guy like Carey Price and just stash him on LTIR? Some of these teams have deep pockets and can afford to do it. A large market team could, but I believe the Wild could too. It's a smaller market but it has the following of a large market team. Most of our cap is tied up, but the actual monetary payout is peanuts comparatively. 

Check this out for Aaron Ekblad who's out for the Panthers...




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6 hours ago, mnfaninnc said:

So, does this mean that when Ekblad gets back, they haven't banked some cap space?

I think we need a 500 level class in cap circumvention. 

My understanding is that while the player is on LTIR the team may use his salary figure to exceed the cap as his does not count. Once that player returns during the season the team must get cap compliant so if they are then over the cap they must cut salary until they are not over. If the LTIR player remains on LTIR until the regular season ends that player can be activated off LTIR with no penalty as there is no cap in the playoffs. Teams do not accrue cap space by having a player on LTIR unless they do not add salary while he is out. (similar to what the Wild are doing with Spurgeon out and not calling someone up)

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15 hours ago, Up North Guy said:

Teams do not accrue cap space by having a player on LTIR unless they do not add salary while he is out. (similar to what the Wild are doing with Spurgeon out and not calling someone up)

Did Spurgeon get put on LTIR then? Could you, in essence, call Lambos up specifically for gamedays, and then send him back down like a yoyo?

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Excited for opening day! Any suggestions about the best/cheapest way to subscribe to watch Wild games this year?

Trying to find where to watch it, and I've seen a mess of subscription services that only let you watch some games, in or out of market or whatever, some that force you to also buy subscriptions to the Wolves/Lynx, etc.

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4 hours ago, mnfaninnc said:

Did Spurgeon get put on LTIR then? Could you, in essence, call Lambos up specifically for gamedays, and then send him back down like a yoyo?

No, Spurgeon has not been put on LTIR. The team seems to be trying to keep the number at 21 and try to accumulate cap by just not calling someone up at this time. We will see what happens when they go on the road. I would expect a call up then.

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