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Hockey Wilderness

Article: “Grit First” Can Close This Series For the Wild

Justin Hein

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The drop in penalty calls in games 5, 6, and 7 brings me hope. I want to see the "Seventh Street Savages" dial it up another notch tonight. Make them think twice about every puck in the corner or attempt to carry across the blue line. This will have the biggest impact on Hintz and Robertson who seem to shy away from too much physicality. Added perk, seeing Suter getting to have a meet and greet with Reavo, Foligno, and the Du Dew brothers.

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The playoffs of 2022 saw the Wild abandon this strategy as it seemed the refs were calling NBA rules.  Don't abandon it, as DeBoer has said, they can't call everything.  

I'm looking for submission holds tonight, let's get them to tap out!

Well, maybe not tonight for me, I think I'm blacked out again🤬

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I had a friend in highschool (a loooong time ago) who's nickname was Grit. He was TOUGH.

Pretty cool moniker...


Here's my keys to tonight:

Footwork. What your feet do during an athletic event is more important than most give credit to. The mind can panic and try to get the feet moving before they're ready. Stay calm and KEEP THE FEET CORRECT AT ALL TIMES.

Awareness. Commit to understand everything that happens on the ice and don't let your focus fade. A good example would be the first goal in game 2. 97 got hemmed up near the blue line and made a bad pass. He wasn't aware that a teammate had gotten past the two defenders and an indirect pass off the boards into the zone would have sprung a golden opportunity. BE AWARE AT ALL TIMES.

Play against the refs and the opposition. Expect they will try to make every call against your team, accept it, and prevail despite it, without complaints. THE TRUE MEASURE OF ONES CHARACTER IS HOW HE DEALS WITH ADVERSITY.

now win the game.

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